I see a kid who loves the game

The hitting looks decent. That is what it takes to play in college, decent talent.
The fielding needs some work. The double crow-hops and lob throws from third will not qualify you for any level of college imho. You have time to improve your throwing so get busy right now with a long tossing routine. Second base might be your best position right now but learn to field the ball and get rid of it. I don't think you have enough size to play first base but I could be wrong about that.
For D1, you need to throw low to mid 80's across the infield and it will look like a rocket shot when someone throws that hard. You need to at least get the loops out of your throw. For running, you need to be faster than 7.0 seconds in the 60 yard dash for D1. For a power hitter, speed is not quite as critical but I am not sure you are a power hitter.
Get busy getting stronger, faster, and especially working on your throwing. Showcase these skills until you graduate next spring and see if you can find a coach who'll make an offer. Juco is a great starting point for many kids. Attitude (which you appear to have a good one) will take you a long ways. Never give up your belief in yourself but you need to get busy now and get to work.