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I just found a very interesting website for those high school players looking to play college ball. The site is called ( This is NOT an endorsement as I am just trying to help all parents and players move on in their careers. Looks like they have a meeting place for college coaches and high school players. They also have a video service in which you can post a video of yourself playing. For $100, I am thinking about having some friends give this a try. Any comments?
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That IS Funny Jemaz. Not your comment, but the fact that I clearly stated in my opening comment that I was NOT endorsing anything and yet in your reply you state "couldn't you have waited until at least your second post before going down the ENDORSEMENT path?" Hmm...for a communications manager I am surprised that you did not read my communication more clearly. So much for the quality of responses on this site.

Do you think that it is fair to judge the quality of the responses of this entire site by one poster? Having said that, Jemaz smells something fishy and I tend to smell something too.

You say it’s not an endorsement but we all know what it usually ends up being about when someone makes it a point to say, it’s not about money or it’s not about s e x, etc.?

If you have something worthwhile, just say so and make the extent of your involvement known. Be proud of what you’ve got. Maybe you have something good to offer, but promoting it in this manner seems sneaky and juvenile.

There are several regular posters that may offer a similar service. Two that come to mind are PG and TR. They make it a point to offer solid advice on this board and do not hide what they do or initiate others to plug their offerings indirectly. The quality and regularity of their posts speak volumes for their business.

Are Jemaz and my suspicions wrong? Possible, but I doubt it. I see you are from Illinois. Now would anyone out there venture a guess where the company you are mentioning is probably from?
Last edited by SBK may not have been lurking too long, but a lot of endorsements on this site tend to begin by the phrase "this is not an endorsement" (in some form or fashion). This is similar to the athlete's position that it "is not about the money" when in fact it is... Roll Eyes Stick around...stop, look, and listen...then, when you've "figured it out" re: the site, post away. Questions usually come first from relatively new posters. Wink

SBK...beat me to it by a couple of minutes. Razz
Last edited by DaddyBo
So far, I have not seen a viable site for College Baseball recruitment.

We have a daughter that played Volleyball and there is a very good no cost site called that lets High School kids and College coaches locate each other. It is unique in that no one is using it to turn a dollar. This site has helped lots of Volleyball players match with schools.
At first glance it does look like an endorsement for the site and it may be, but I think ILbaseball was jumped on a little too soon. (I have been guilty of assuming on this site right
off the bat as well). That being said, the site states $99 for a video-and we all know that
$99 looks cheaper than $100(simple marketing). ILbaseball said in his initial post that the cost was $100, I believe if he were affiliated with the site he would've stated $99.

I know, over-analyzing aren't I? At any rate, I would be curious to know if any of our members
have ever used any of these recruiting services and had any success. Think it would be beneficial to all of us.

ILBaseball1 -
IMO I would not recommend a recruiting service, even at this low price. From our experience, coaches do not use the information that comes from recruiting services and videos that are sent without being requested are usually discarded. I would say that most of the information you need to help with recruiting can be found on this site. However, everyone needs to seek out the resources they feel most comfortable with. For some a recruiting service is the right fit.
Couldn't agree more. Plenty of knowledge available especially from TR. Recruiting services are there for one purpose. To take your money.
Originally posted by RHP05Parent:
ILBaseball1 -
IMO I would not recommend a recruiting service, even at this low price. From our experience, coaches do not use the information that comes from recruiting services and videos that are sent without being requested are usually discarded. I would say that most of the information you need to help with recruiting can be found on this site. However, everyone needs to seek out the resources they feel most comfortable with. For some a recruiting service is the right fit.
Having been in the college recruiting education business for the better part of 5 years. I can tell you that low cost sites that push exposure by trying to match high school athletes and college coaches are simply not used by any college coaches. Every week I find a new site that thinks they have a novel approach to promoting athletes online and it's almost like they didn't have any conversations with any college coaches before they built their service. Why do I know this, because I have interviewed over 100 college coaches in the past 4 years and I have yet to meet one coach in the entire country at any level that accesses an online site looking for random athletes to possibly recruit. Yes, the concept makes sense, athletes interested in playing in college post their information online for coaches to look at. That isn't the problem. The problem is coaches don't want to use this tool and aren't using this tool. Price whether it’s free, low, or high, and services provided by the website have nothing to do with the general effectiveness. Until online sites understand this (and recruits) people will keep signing up for these things, and they won’t get recruited. A D3 coach with a $100 recruiting budget recruits more or less the same way a high level D1 coach does (minus scouting reports the D1 coach probably purchases). The only real difference is the D3 coach won’t be traveling as far from his school to evaluate recruits as a high level D1 coach might and they don’t have the ability to bring as many students to campus that live further away. But the evaluation process of an individual player whether it’s 10 miles from his school or 200 miles is the same. An online site, even with video, doesn’t really address the problems with recruiting and finding a match between both parties (coach and player), especially when coaches are not accessing the information.

I also disagree that all services are designed to take your money and there is a role for some recruiting services to play, mostly in the education and experience they can bring to an individual family. The process is not easy and many people can benefit from paying a fee to give themselves a better chance of finding a school that is the right fit. The graduation rate for all students and athletes is roughly 60% within 6 years of enrolling in college. While that number is not completely accurate and doesn’t tell the whole story, each year thousands of students (and athletes) transfer or drop out of college because they didn't choose the right college or put themselves in an opportunity to succeed. If someone knowledgeable in the process can help you find a school and team where you enjoy being at and have a meaningful career, that in itself has value, regardless of any scholarship money you receive or don’t receive. Part of the problem is too many companies have positioned themselves as companies that get kids scholarships, rather than companies that educate parents and students and help them find a school that is a better fit. Working with a family takes time and most companies don’t want to invest the time and their service consists of sending out a 1,000 letters or emails to every college in the country. This isn’t education and this isn’t any service worth very much.

Some people disagree with paying for any recruiting service and when asked the question of whether it’s right or not, I usually respond with this question. “How many people paid for SAT prep courses”. Yes plenty of hands go up. So what is SAT prep anyway? Well, it’s a service designed to give you an advantage over other students that didn’t take SAT prep to help you do better on the SAT test in the hopes that a better score improves your chances of getting into a better college or the college you want to go to. If recruiting is the responsibility of just high school coaches, then isn’t SAT prep the responsibility of high school teachers?? Most would say no, teachers teach their subject as best they can and understand that students need additional help with the SAT test. Few would argue that paying for SAT prep is a bad thing, but most would argue that paying for recruiting help is a bad thing. If you look at any service people pay for, there are usually two reasons. (1) because they don’t have the time and (2) because they don’t have the knowledge, whether it’s having your taxes done, your lawn mowed, or having your furnace fixed to heat your house. If I don’t understand the recruiting process and don’t understand how to research programs in the most effective way, I am going to need some help. I also don’t expect a high school coach has endless amounts of time to research 20 or 30 schools for each player on their team that wants to play in college. Most coaches are teachers and when they are done teaching they have a game or a practice, and then have to go home to their own family. Should they help with recruiting, of course, can they all get as involved as we would like, NO.

Unfortunately there are few services that take an education approach first and most simply push exposure using the theory of “if a coach doesn’t know your name he cannot recruit you”. Yes, that is true but a coach knowing your name is hardly the deciding factor in whether you get recruited or not.

Dave G
Last edited by ghouse
I am relatively new to this website, so I am still learning the decorum for this forum.
I can only speak from my experience when I say that using several means helped me get a scholarship to play for a D1 school. One of these means was a recuiting website and with all due respect to anyone who has responded before me, college coaches DO use these sites. I talked to my coach about how he recruits and this website idea is a relatively new thing he is trying out. He still uses the tradional methods, but the Internet is really helping him cut costs and time on recruiting. I suspect other coaches are starting to jump on this e-idea as the website I used had several hundred coaches that I contacted.
There are many low-cost or no-cost means to getting recuited that hsbaseballweb talks about, but it takes money to get money. I spent more than the $100 on the website I used, but look where it got me. They may have "taken my money", but if I got what I set-out to achieve, then it was worth it.
Very funny ghouse, especially since you work for a recruiting company. If I gave out my coache's info to you or anyone, it would be as if he was endorsing a particular website and I am not going to risk my coach violating any NCAA regulations on endorsing companies. Don't you have better things to do than to harass people who try to offer some help to those looking for it?
He still uses the tradional methods, but the Internet is really helping him cut costs and time on recruiting.

You seem very knowledgable of his internal recruiting practices. Is that how he found you or any other recruits?

I suspect other coaches are starting to jump on this e-idea as the website I used had several hundred coaches that I contacted

"several hundred"? If you contacted that many it doesn't leave many that do not use the services.

There are many low-cost or no-cost means to getting recuited that hsbaseballweb talks about

For a "newbe" your historical account of hsbbw posts amazes me. However, I don't recall many, if any recruiting services posts in the last few months.

TXBB, you seem knowledgable, very articulate, and I'll bet could provide some good input to players and parents who visit this site. It just seems so coincidental that you and ILbaseball have evolved at the same time with the same "e" mentality. Long time members of this site have seen the aka syndrom multiple times and in most cases it has diminished the sincere reasons why hsbbw members post thier thoughts. Come clean, identify yourself and enjoy what goes on here. There is no need to hide behind your mouse.
Last edited by rz1
I do not work for a recruiting service! I do not use a recruiting service!

One of my sons teammates decided to use a recruiting service. He filled out the profile and was missing one piece of information ( 60 Times). The service called him and asked if he knew what it was. He said no, and they said that they were going to send out their initial batch of Emails.

This was about 1:00 pm. By 4:00 that afternoon he had gotten 3 Emails from coaches and one phone call. These were are division 3 schools. Now in my opinion that is the appropriate level for him.

So I can say that recruiting services can work for the player just looking to find a place to play. Will it work at the scholarship level, I don't have a clue. Could he have gotten the same results by listening to the experts here, I have no doubt that the answer is yes. He could have done the leg work himself gotten similar results. In their case they had no idea how to proceed, and for them this was a good fit.
Last edited by BigWI
rz1 and ghouse...I do not know you well enough nor do I feel that this is the forum for me to give out private information about myself or my coach. Do you guys really have that big of egos to try and humiliate someone like myself on this site? If you really wanted to know where I played, all you had to do was just send me a private message.
The purpose of my responding to ILBaseball in the first place was to promote the game of baseball and let people see life in the game from a player's perspective. It was my hope that people on this site would gain some further knowledge of what is going on in recruiting these days. Again, these recruiting websites are only an aid in recruiting, they are not the only means my coach uses.
Also, in my original reply, I did not mean to imply that I contacted several hundred coaches. I meant that I had access to several hundred coaches that the website had signed-up.
Lastly, I am not going to waste my time anymore defending myself. I personally believe in coincidences and the fact that IL and I had signed-up a few weeks apart with similar names is actually funny to me. I do not know IL nor have I ever met him. If you want to go on believing we know each other that is fine. You will not see anymore responses as I have better things to do than waste my time with judgemental people.
OK, I need to get a few things straight before this gets out of hand.
I am only registered on this website to reply to this topic on the message board. I am not too familiar with this site, but am replying to save my company's integrity. If I did become a member of this site, it would only leave me open to scrutiny about whether I was always endorsing my site or not. Thus, I am going to remove my membership after this posting.
I represent, the company that was originally mentioned in the opening of this forum. We do not know or have any association with ILBaseball. He does not endorse is my job with our company to market our service and find quality people to endorse our company.
In the past week, I have received some phonecalls from people who have heard about us from this website.
Since it appears that this website frowns on people discussing their businesses on these message boards, I will not say much about our company. I am merely here to say that we are a young company that is steadily growing. An ex-Major League player provided us with the concept that we are selling. We have been travelling extensively around the country to major conventions and conferences marketing our recruiting service. In that time, we have spoken to over 400 coaches, about 100 or so who are from mostly small colleges. This idea of using a website for recruiting purposes is relatively new as we are finding out, but coaches are very open to it, especially since we are in the era of the Internet.
We are a legitimate business looking to interact honestly with people and provide a valuable service. Deceitful tactics and dishonest means are not the way myself and my co-workers conduct business. I personally know that it is a small world and word travels fast to work like that.
So if anyone has anything further they would like to discuss or would like to address any further questions, please e-mail me at Your attention and consideration is greatly appreciated.

Don't leave! There are several businesses who are major contributors (knowledge wise) to this site.

BUT these folks buy advertising from Bob in addition to frequenting these forums, as a way to help Bob keep the site up and running.

The reason ILBaseball got jumped on was that many many times on this site we would see people come on and ask about XYZ product and they turn out to be nothng but a shill for the company. It has happened so often that people have gotten cynical.

Once you and ILBaseball get a chance to know the poeple on this site AND they get a chance to know you it is a great resource.

Stick around awhile, you MAY find that this would be a good place for some of your advertising Dollars, you could possibly learn something from this site and your probably could teach us all a bit.
College coaches and MLB scouts definately appreciate help indefining players worth looking at. Credibilty is key. I had 3 players ( class of 2005)I was pushing to MLB scouts and colleges, way before they were on anyones prospect list anywhere when they were freshman and sophomores in 2002.

IN 2005
All 3 are signed to top 25 colleges, ranked in the top 25 HS players and 3 AFLAC players.
ebaseball, I really do appreciate your business sense and I hope you can help others without "margin" being your goal. However, your predecessors have dug you a deep hole of questionable tatics, promises, and pricing structures. I'm sure there is a nitch for you but I'm still not sure where you could do any better than a family who does the research looking out for their own.
Last edited by rz1

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