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I have a question about Red Bull, the energy drink.

Just how safe is it, anyway?

My 11 year daughter's former softball coach is requiring the players on his team to have 3 cans of Red Bull in their softball bags for every game. Seems a little nutty to us and thought I remembered reading here something about it, but I don't remember what it was....

Is it ok for young girls to drink? What happens if you drink too many? How many is too many?
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Originally posted by StyleMismatch:
RUN, don't walk, but RUN and get as far away from that guy as possible.

We did!!! Right after we heard about that--and that he required the 10 and 11 year old girls to go on a "weight training and weight loss (or gain) program"!!! Can you imagine???

The guy is a kook!

As such it is dangerous for kids to consume, and especially dangerous during athletics.

Last edited by play baseball
Ohhh meee toooo, ditto on the " WHEW "!!!!
I also missed the " former " part also.
( note to self: I must slow down. Pay attention to detail while multi tasking! )

Glad you pointed this out Beezer.

Although I am hesistant to make judgements about a person whom I have not met before, but based alone on this former coaches suggestion of Redbull and weight programs for these girls,...I'd say this gal/guy needs to be permanantly benched, retired, and sent home to The Land of Nuts.

( if this is the case, I'll forgo the sap and feathers Wink )
Last edited by shortstopmom
Originally posted by play baseball:
My 11 year daughter's former softball coach is requiring the players on his team to have 3 cans of Red Bull in their softball bags for every game.

That's insane.

What the coach is doing is the equivalent of requiring his kids to pop greenies (amphetamines) before each game.

Red Bull is loaded with caffeine, which can cause multiple problems.
A friend of ours works in a long term care facility. One of her patients - 32 years old - suffered a stroke after consuming... you guessed it... three cans of Red Bull. Did the caffeine cause the stroke? Who knows - she was also trying to lose weight and hadn't eaten much for several days prior. But caffeine for kids is just nuts and so unnecessary, in any case.

We had a coach (basketball - they can be nuts too!) who passed a mysterious "energy drink" around to all the boys and told them to take a few swallows. Our son declined and told us about it after the game. Needless to say, coach became ex-coach very soon thereafter. The boys, by the way, were 9 & 10 years old...

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