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Has there been any discussion about changing the red shirt eligibility rules in NCAA baseball?  With the slate of rule changes that came out over the past year, including NJCAA adding a year of eligibility, I was wondering if this has been discussed at all.  NCAA allowed players to play 4 games in football and maintain red shirt eligibility.  With crowded rosters and uneven schedules throughout baseball conferences, could this make sense for baseball as well?  Seems to me to be a better solution than blanket eligibility extensions or staying status quo. 

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My understanding (from my son) is if they throw one pitch or play one inning, they cannot redshirt.   It is pretty unfair.  If Covid hits a team, I kid may lose his year due to filling in one game because too many are out.  I am surprised that there aren't any adjustments for Spring sports considering winter and fall got a full year and played.

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