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My 6 ft 140 lb sophomore son hit his first varsity HR last week. He told me it felt like he was rounding the bases in a dream. Over the past few days I thought about all those years of throwing him batting practice. Working in a hot factory, I would come home physically drained only to be met by my son with a bucket of 50+ balls and a bat. Off to the field we would go for 100+ practice swings, 50+ practice ground balls and then a round of long toss. With summer temperatures usually in the 80's, and an aching arm, it was exhausting. That night I was thrilled to watch him wade through his teammates as he crossed home plate. Heading for the bench, he briefly looked up at me and smiled. I'll remember that look and smile the rest of my life. Yeah, it was all worth it.
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wz8, Congrats! Who does your son play for in HS and Summer?
My Soph. also hti in a scrimmage this year a grand slam and then in a game the other night hit his first HR, what a feeling, huh!
You description of taking your son to hit mirrors my experiences and its a wonderful moment. My son had been slumping as a DH so far this season like 1 for 19 or so then this breakout moment has put him back on the saddle!

Great job from one Buckeye to another!
Amen WZ8 Dad. It is well worth it, couldn't agree with you more.

And there is nothing quite like seeing you kids succeed and nothing as hard as watching them struggle. But who said parenting would be easy.

Congrats and here is wishing you lots of continued enjoyment!!!! P.S. The biggest "bene" is the time spent with your son during those evening/weekend sessions. You will also always remember those fondly!!
Congrats wz8,
I think that the point here dad, is that your son was waiting for you to get home from work.
That is called desire for the game.
The desire to get better.
Your son wants to be the best player out there.
And by you showing your commitment to him, everynight after work.
Well thats called love of the game.
You can not teach or coach that.
It comes from within.

Have fun

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