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Hah! You think you have it bad TPM?

Imagine having to vote here in Cook County and wait in line and then having to vote again and waiting in line again and then having to vote again and waiting in line again and then having to vote again and waiting in line again and then having to vote again and waiting in line again and then having to vote again and waiting in line again and then having to vote again and waiting in line again and then having to vote again and waiting in line again and then having to vote again and waiting in line again and then having to vote again and waiting in line again and then having to vote again and waiting in line again and then having to vote again and waiting in line again and then having to vote again and waiting in line again and then having to vote again and waiting in line again and then having to vote again and waiting in line again and then having to vote again and waiting in line again and then having to vote again and waiting in line's enough to kill you!

But then I'd still have to vote and wait in line and vote again and...well, you know the routine.

Last edited by gotwood4sale
I walk outside in the middle of winter and I think it's cold. Then, I always think, Valley Forge was colder. Sometimes I am tired and feel worn out. Then, I think of John F. Kennedy swimming through enemy waters pulling his friend with him after his PT boat, PT-109 was run over by a Japanese Destroyer. His back was broken. Should I ever think about Election Day and not want to vote, I would surely think of Edmund Ross. He cast the deciding vote in the impeachment proceedings of President Andrew Johnson. He had one simple question which was what did the founding fathers intend when they created the Constitution of the United States and with reference to the Tenure in Office Act. His vote saved the integrity of the Constitution but cost him everything he loved. Whether it's Nicholas Herkimer at the Battle of Oriskany (Revolutionary War) Sgt. William Jasper at the Battle of Charleston (Revolutionary War), Colonel Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain at Gettysburg (Civil War) or those brave soldiers who served in the Ia Drang Valley with Lt. General Hal Moore while in Vietnam, we have so much to be proud of. When you vote, you represent those rights that these men fought for. PLEASE VOTE!

Rick Rescorla (above) KIA 9/11 WTC Tower 2
Credited with saving thousands of lives

If you are unfamiliar with the names I've mentioned above, check them out. It'll be worthwhile!
Last edited by CoachB25
Fla. dog found in Chicago after 1,200-mile trip
Plucky pooch is identified by an implanted microchip

updated 12:55 p.m. PT, Thurs., Oct. 30, 2008
RACINE, Wis. — Max the Maltese is headed home to Florida after the small dog vanished several months ago and finally turned up 1,200 miles away — in Chicago.

What they fail to tell you in this story.

That Max the Maltese Voted early and often.

Before Max boarded the Plane,
He was heard to yell No No not Florida.

Thats were they Hanged my good friend Chad.

i'm not in to politics at all.

i left the house this morning at 515 for a paper. come home to a Obama lady on my porch. just had 2 more in the driveway. this makes no less than 20 people since saturday. i don't know how many phone calls.

imagine what this many focused people could do for our elderly,or homeless, veterans, etc. i don't get it.
I am angry that Snoopy's people haven't done a better job of getting the word out.

Watch the video. Funny!

There is a mayoral race in Kentucky where the dog won the election. My kind of town!

Mayor Election News Flash
by CJaye | November 2, 2008 at 08:43 am | 28 views | add comment
Mayor Election News Flash by CJaye

This was the cutest show I've seen in a while. If you want a good laugh and something that makes you feel good take a look at web page. CBS Sunday Morning had a special on this town and event it was great. My favorite is Higgins the Jackass, you guys have got to see this.

RABBIT HASH, KY -- An unexpected flurry of voting the past couple of days at the General Store in Rabbit Hash has resulted in the emergence of a brand new leader at the polls! And it is not one of the usual front runners...

Toby, the Springer Spaniel, also known affectionately as Tripod, has suddenly overpowered the other mayoral candidates to take the lead in the coveted political race. If his campaign is strong enough to sustain this lead for 5 more days, he could become Rabbit Hash's first three-legged mayor.

The feline and a**inine camps are completely astonished by this sudden turn of events. The other canine troupes will not even comment yet. The midnight lamps will be burning all night long in dog houses along the Ohio River tonight, as campaign strategists try to make sense of this latest development.

Here are the current standings as of October 30, 2008, which includes every vote cast thus far, both at the Store and online:
1st Toby 1,773 votes
2nd Lucy Lou 1,629 votes
3rd Higgins 1,278 votes
4th Macy 1,050 votes
5th Travis 804 votes
6th Izzy 464 votes
7th Rembrant 319 votes
8th Pike 316 votes
9th Molly 134 votes
10th Noggin 97 votes
11th Cletus 21 votes
12th Peggy Lee 6 votes
13th Paulette 4 votes
14th Manson Mayer 3 votes
15th Alex 2 votes

Stayed tuned.

Remember... The "electronic" polls will close Monday, November 3rd, at 6:00 PM. No further online voting after that time.

Vote all day long in person at Election Central, the barn in Rabbit Hash, on November 4th.

Vote your favorite candidate into office! Vote from the heart! Vote often! Vote with confidence!
Last edited by Bighit15
Just got back from voting in Texas - no waiting at all. Didn't get my "I voted" sticker - they had cut back on costs. I needed proof I voted for my son's high school history class - worth a point on his average. I'm using a little print out with my voting number for proof. I do miss my "I voted" sticker!

Lots of prayers for this divided nation.
I think that most of the lines were in areas where traditionally lighter voter turnout was the norm. How many polling places and voting machines there are, are dictated by previous turunouts.

In my area, where there tends to be an annually high voter turnout, I was in and out in under 10 minutes.

This is JMHO, but many of the people that stood in lines for early voting did not have much voting experience. If they had, they would have known that voting on election day is usually a fairly smooth and streamlined process.
Last edited by CPLZ

My only wish (other than political ones of course) is that no matter who wins, the "other side" stops whining.....

At our polling place this morning, with your "I VOTED" sticker, you could go over to the local Starbucks (about a mile away) and get a free cup of coffee. Felt good to walk in there for once and not pay for something... Starbucks, that is...

Last edited by AcademyDad
Originally posted by kbat2012:
Can we put bet on this presidential election in Vegas? The mock vote on son's HS shows someone won it in a landslide, 74% to 23%. 2 other HS, JrH's Mock vote had a simlar results, The winner got well over 60%. I figured if the Odds of winning are this good. We should put some money into it. So, even if your candidate lost, you can still be happy with money in the hand.JMHO.

With all the pundits, charts, graphs, and 8 x 10 glossy photographs with circles and arrows available....maybe the bookies' odds are the best place if you want a prediction. They, after all, can't spin their way out of it; if they're'll cost 'em! Cool

Ladbroke's Line


If my comment about whining was considered a viewpoint, you have my "sincerest".... it just seems so counter productive.


"Why do they put pictures of criminals up in the Post Office? What
are we supposed to do, write to them? Why don't they just put their
pictures on the postage stamps so the postmen can look for them while
they deliver the mail?"

I thought we were going to leave our different viewpoints out of this discussion.

Yes! That was my intent..."and crown thy good with brother[sister]hood /from sea to shining sea..."

Great day today. Friendly discussions on both sides of the hall here at work, bets on who's buying the celebration lunch, very congenial. Went to the grocery store at lunch, and the question on everyone's mind was "have you voted?" Of course, here in Florida, we're hoping especially hard that everything goes smoothly...

Good luck everyone! Red or Blue, it's great to be here.
Last edited by 2Bmom
Only a five-minute wait before I was escorted to the voting booth. They said the long lines were during early voting and early this morning before people headed to work. Of course, I would imagine the wait will lengthen again around 5 p.m. today.

Hopefully, we won't have to wait several weeks to find out who the winner is like we did back in 2000!

Btw, I was just as interested in voting for a new board member for the local water company as I was the president. Our water company has been mismanaged for years, resulting in water restrictions, sub-par quality water that at times requires boiling before drinking, and brown circles in our grass where the sprinkler system no longer hits because the water pressure is so low. It's enough to make a homeowner crazy!
Last edited by Infield08
Originally posted by AcademyDad:

My only wish (other than political ones of course) is that no matter who wins, the "other side" stops whining.....

To quote former president Thomas Jefferson in his inaugural address after the "Revolution of 1800".

"We are all Federalists, We are all Republicans, We are all Americans".

His election into office was the first time in American history where we went from one political party to another.

I really wonder if we will ever have another president like a Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt(s), or Washington with the way party politics dominate the scene.

My classes today were pretty fired up to talk about the election today so that was great to see. There was a small group in each class who said voting was useless or they could care less. I did a pretty good project on why voting was important and it seemed to have changed their mind.
Originally posted by coach2709:
I really wonder if we will ever have another president like a Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt(s), or Washington with the way party politics dominate the scene.

My Epiphany...
Coach, you couldn't be more right. Our politicians are now beholding more and more to the purse strings that their political party control, than to their consituency or even PAC's. The people controlling policy now are not elected officials, but party bigwigs.

The answer, is to take the money away from political parties, all of them. Do not allow parties to buy advertising, finance campaigns, or exert any monetary influence on candidates or elected officials.

Until we can sever the financial purse strings that bind the office holder to the party, we will not see an end to partisan politics.

Last edited by CPLZ

Originally posted by 20dad:
i'm not in to politics at all.

i left the house this morning at 515 for a paper. come home to a Obama lady on my porch. just had 2 more in the driveway. this makes no less than 20 people since saturday. i don't know how many phone calls.

imagine what this many focused people could do for our elderly,or homeless, veterans, etc. i don't get it.

We'll soon find out 20dad!


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