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Xavier Paul; Blake DeWitt; Jamie Hoffman; Brent Leach; David Price; Scott Kazmir; Wade Davis; Jake McGee; Jeremy Hellickson; Yovanni Gallardo; Ryan Braun; Cole Hamels; Joba Chamberlain; John Maine; Mike Pelfrey; and so many more I had the honor of meeting and scouting here in FL State League the past few years.

Congrats to all these players and hopefully, more to come.

Many of these players have been silent observers and readers here in these past three years. The discussions at night behind the plate with the pitchers in the group listed above were most special.

Being right beside Joba Chamberlain on his chart night eating nacho surpremes together; being able to speak with such a great man, Mr. Price(David's dad)and watching him unselfishly give his gift to a widow he won on a program drawing; Jaret Wright, as we shared a bag of boiled peanuts; hanging out with all Branyan's teammates when he invited me to spring training in Winter Haven including the mayor, the Manny and all the others, including the Grover(hargrove). Wow! What great memories!

This year brings a new year with new dreams and new prospects here in the FL State League. I wish I could share this blessing with every one of you here on HSBBW. You are all ambassadors to this game I love and contribute so much to those who come here to seek help. I need to do more of that but really don't have the luxury of being here more often. I will make my 150 pro games with my speed detector right behind homeplate and look forward to seeing more HSBBW sons climb the ladder and make it to the #1 league for prospects in the country, the FL STATE League. Don't hesitate to say hi if you see me at a FL STATE League game this spring and summer.

God Bless U ALL
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I want to know one thing?

Yes indeed theEH. Having tons of fun. Thanks fanofgame; you people here are GREAT!!!

The most fun&fate I have encountered lately was calling my ex-minor league coach to let him in on a few closely held scouting secrets of a few players. He had just accepted an ADVANCE MAJOR LEAGUE scouting position with the Baltimore Orioles and I'm here to tell you, look for the Baltimore Orioles to be contenders now. Thrifty has knowledge, insight, experience and will serve Angelo's organization well. What a great fit for the knowledge that he has in the state of Maryland and about players in the game. He knows "all" the players. The O's have "5" minor league teams in the surrounding area around Baltimore to make things happen quickly. Look for intelligent, well-thought-out moves that will be done systematically with possibly the greatest instincts of anyone I've ever been associated with in the game of baseball, Jim Thrift. He is special, and I believe in him. That decision by the Orioles to select him as Major League Advance scout, will be the turning point. Count the O's in!

God Bless U All
Last edited by Shepster

Are U David's mother? The night Mr. Price won the program at Holman stadium I was the one sitting right beside the widow he gave the gift to. The free round of golf @ Vista Plantation. The widow's name is Beverly and guess what? She gave me the gift, so eventually, your's truly, ended up with the gift. I played a free round on the gift with then Major League advance Oriole scout, Randy Milligan the same week. I even got a free meal on the Oriole's at Outback Steakhouse after we played golf that day Smile Randy also gave me a Nike breathable shirt as a gift. The point I am trying to convey though is how unselfish and good that gesture to Ms. Beverly was to me at the time. It shows that character is genetic because David has the gift of excellent character too. This is all true, and sometimes karma can work in the favor of truth, opposed to that of untrues. If indeed you are Mrs. Price, you have done a great job as a mother and caregiver to your son, and it's always nice to see the generosity and love to come back 100,000 fold. Good Luck this 2009 season and hopefully, David will hold down that #5 starter position, and remain 100% healthy this season, and many seasons to come. Others like Wade Davis, Jake McGee, and young Jeremy Hellickson are all kicking on his hills just waiting for their turn to shine.

God Bless
Last edited by Shepster
Congratulations to Reginald Williams for being selected to the Rawlings/PG All-American list of players.

Couldn't have happened to a more deserving player, out of a harder-working camp, with very little support to work with in monetary funds.

These players really wanted to attend the WWBA tournament in Jupiter.

Maybe next year. In the mean-time...

God Bless them all,
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