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It’s just playing with the fans. Chances are the fans are badgering the players. What occurs at college games is the home team college age fans will research the social media pages of the visiting players. They research their bios on the team website. They will harass the player all game long. Make a bad play in the field, whiff or hit into a double play and you will hear about it all game. My son (past college now) said if you don't take it personally some of the stuff yelled at you is very funny. 

Last edited by RJM

Does a anyone’s kid play for Vanderbilt. Or has anyone sat in the stands as a visiting parent at Vanderbilt? WTF is up with the whistle? It’s constant. It’s incredibly annoying. I’ve been watching on a split screen with the volume on the UW-CSF game. I only switch to the volume on the Vanderbilt game when I want to know more than just seeing it. 

RJM posted:

I’m surprised somebody hasn’t walked up to the kid (it has to be a kid) and told him to swallow the whistle before he sticks it someplace else.

And you thought the Clemson heckler was annoying!

Someone from D1 baseball tweeted about it. Two guys I believe.

Last edited by TPM
RJM posted:

Does a anyone’s kid play for Vanderbilt. Or has anyone sat in the stands as a visiting parent at Vanderbilt? WTF is up with the whistle? It’s constant. It’s incredibly annoying. I’ve been watching on a split screen with the volume on the UW-CSF game. I only switch to the volume on the Vanderbilt game when I want to know more than just seeing it. 

Yes RJM. I was there earlier this season. It is the most annoying thing I have EVER heard. I assume that is his purpose. I wish a foul ball would hit him in the mouth!!

younggun posted:
RJM posted:

I’m surprised somebody hasn’t walked up to the kid (it has to be a kid) and told him to swallow the whistle before he sticks it someplace else.

No it’s 2 older fat guys!  And it’s not a whistle. They are doing that with their mouth from what I could tell. 

I read that they have been warned by ESPN, punched and threatened. Annoying. Not as bad as the cow bells at Mississippi. 


Vandy ties it up after hitting around .180 this series.


TPM posted:
RJM posted:

I’m surprised somebody hasn’t walked up to the kid (it has to be a kid) and told him to swallow the whistle before he sticks it someplace else.

And you thought the Clemson heckler was annoying!

Someone from D1 baseball tweeted about it. Two guys zi believe.

The Clemson guy was amusing. It was more I could see his theatrics than hear him.

Last weekend I watched mostly Based Loaded until it was late and over. Then there was nothing but Clemson delayed games and west coast games. I guess I didn’t get exposed to enough Ole Miss to hear the cowbells. Maybe I tuned them out. I’ve heard cowbells at plenty of games in my life.

The shrill whistling is just incredibly annoying. I can’t believe someone sitting nearby hasn’t threatened them. Or  Vanderbilt stadium people allow it. 

Is anyone else tired of the constant shots of Magnum’s family? 

Last edited by RJM
TPM posted:
younggun posted:
RJM posted:

I’m surprised somebody hasn’t walked up to the kid (it has to be a kid) and told him to swallow the whistle before he sticks it someplace else.

No it’s 2 older fat guys!  And it’s not a whistle. They are doing that with their mouth from what I could tell. 

I read that they have been warned by ESPN, punched and threatened. Annoying. Not as bad as the cow bells at Mississippi. 


Vandy ties it up after hitting around .180 this series.


Isn't it supposed to be warn, threaten, punch?

Someone posted in another forum that artificial noisemakers were not allowed so the whistling is not banned.  But it is annoying and to Vandy's own fans too or so I read before.  If it wasn't for MSU playing, I would have to turn the volume down also.  I can't believe that Im saying this but cowbells can be obnoxious too.

ESPN tends to find a story (Mangum) and run it into the ground. He did well in his interview after the game (very articulate) but there were lots of heroes in that series.  Personally speaking, his family handles his college fame very well.  His dad being a former pro football player and currently an agent, I am sure that Jake has been taught how to act (although that doesn't always get thru to all children, including my own).

Henderson, Gautreau and Brown have done a heck of job this year especially with what happened with the HC. Gautreau has worked wonders with the hitters. I am not sure that Henderson wants the HC job although his interview after the game seemed to imply otherwise.

Hail State (more cowbell, please)

Last edited by RedFishFool

Sons last college game was played at Mississippi. I can't post what he said about the cowbells.

I thought that I heard some bird whistles while watching the Gainesville regional. I have bird whistles in my head.

I am as well tired about hearing about Magnum. I also am not understanding why he turned down the draft other than he felt he was worth more than teams would offer. He won't get much as a senior but pretty sure money isn't an issue.

The MSU coaching staff did an amazing job. It would be unfair to bring in a new coach who would bring in a new preferred staff. The assistants dont deserve that.


PitchingFan posted:

This has been going on for a couple of years.  I have begun to hear it at some high school games just not as consistent.  I'm impressed anyone can do it for that long.  They did it at CWS.  I have to turn down volume or my wife will leave the room.  She would be the one to go tell them to stop. 

Do you turn it down?

ESPN drives me nuts. They get on a story and then they drive it into the ground, break it off and then drive it into the ground some more. The 3B for Texas Tech pre at bat routine. They couldn't get off of it. Mangum they couldn't stop. The rally banana. How many times are you going to turn over the same ground? To be honest it just get so dang old I end up turning off the sound. It would be fine if they would just mention something and then get back to the game. And of course the X pro players doing the color. You have to hear about their entire career and what they did and how they did this and that the entire broadcast. Can we just focus on this game and what's going on right now? Idk maybe its just me. 

Coach_May posted:

ESPN drives me nuts. They get on a story and then they drive it into the ground, break it off and then drive it into the ground some more. The 3B for Texas Tech pre at bat routine. They couldn't get off of it. Mangum they couldn't stop. The rally banana. How many times are you going to turn over the same ground? To be honest it just get so dang old I end up turning off the sound. It would be fine if they would just mention something and then get back to the game. And of course the X pro players doing the color. You have to hear about their entire career and what they did and how they did this and that the entire broadcast. Can we just focus on this game and what's going on right now? Idk maybe its just me. 

I realize some of these announcers have to be dragged out of who knows where to do so many games at once. But please do some homework on the teams and the college game. You’re only covering four (regions) or two (super regionals) teams. Don’t be so uninformed!

One more complaint ... Being able to play the guitar or reading books doesn’t make a player a Renaissance   Man. Calling him one means you are a one dimensional moron. 

I had to leave Gainesville last monday. I actually got home to watch the 1 pm now at 6pm game  FAU vs UF due to the delay. 

One of the FAU catchers was diagnosed with cancer after the HC was diagnosed. They mentioned it. 30 seconds.

All they did was talk about Brady Singer, Jonathan India and the UF players. I have no issue with that but there are some real good feel good stories of over coming adversity other than what round players will be drafted in. I dont blame the announcers. Its up to the producers to provide the info to these guys. If they dont have it, they have to wing it.

You cant tell me that they couldnt have come up with info on other players on both teams other than Magnum?


Maybe the director in the truck came down with a bad case of Musburger’s Disease**. He seemed to constantly have a camera on Magnum’s mother and sister. The wedding reception story was a good story. That should have been enough of them. 

** an obsession with attractive southern women by creepy old men

Last edited by RJM

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