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I really don't think you are going to like my response - and really I should know better than get pulled into this, but hey, what the heck.

Two wrongs never make a right.

Trash talk is immature. No doubt about it. No one likes it, especially when it's aimed at them.

Not shaking hands with the entire team after a close game simple to get even with a few immature players in the dug out was probably not the most mature decision on your part.

The thing is - I think you know that now.

That said, don't you think it's about time to forgive yourself and get past it.

It sounds like the trash talkers are no more mature than they were two years ago. The question is - are you?
Last edited by AParent
Bruce, I’ll bet someone read your website about your self proclaimed accomplishments and remembered how you acted. You have put yourself on display in a glass house and someone just threw a rock at you. Get used to it. That’s just human nature. Could it be the anonymous poster you call “Bruce” look at your horn tooting on your website as a form of “trash talking”? Wink
The reason I pulled my post was that I think it is incredible that people such as beenthereIL just launch personal attacks on people for no reason. I posted the article on here because I wondered what people who are around the game would think of message board attacks, shaking hands, and the situation I wrote about. I thought I would point out to posters like Bum, BeenthereIl, and Fungo the first two sentences in the Board Manners section of this website:

*Posters will be expected to maintain basic courtesy toward the opinions of others. Please avoid flame wars or anything you KNOW will cause others to flame (aka "flame bait").

*We expect members to agree or disagree in a civil manner. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.

To clarify, my post wasn't high school baseball related, but I thought I would post on here to see what you all thought about the situation I wrote about. I didnt attack anyone, I simply stated my case about something, and wondered what you thought of the "situation", not me personally.

To AParent, Thanks it's good to be reminded of one of the golden rules, your right. Two wrongs dont make a right.

To BeenthereIL, I actually went back and restructured the homepage of my website to show you that it contains a variety of information on various baseball players and teams from my area, and is not a shrine to myself. I actually dont play in any beer leagues, usually beer leagues are for slow pitch softball players and I do not play slow pitch softball. I'm glad you have gotten some chuckles though, you sound like a man that needs more joy in his life.

To Fungo, I never put down players that i play against on my website, so your response was confusing. My website usually tries to show area baseball news. I even write up articles from the fastpitch tournament circut that I play in. If a guy has a bad game, when I write the game recap I just dont mention it in the article. My website isn't a form of trash talking? Your comment really doesnt make sense to me. Perhaps you could explain further.

To Infopimp, The purpose of the post was to see what other baseball fans though of the situation, not to get approval for my actions. I wanted opinions and it looks as though I have gotten them.

My prognosis was that I was definately wrong for not shaking hands in the game according to others. In the future I should ALWAYS shake hands and actually take the taunts and criticism of others in stride during competitive play. Thansk for allowing me to see the error of my ways. On the plus note, I have shook hand in every game since that one, so I guess I may have already been learning my lesson.
To BeenthereIL, I actually went back and restructured the homepage of my website to show you that it contains a variety of information on various baseball players and teams from my area, and is not a shrine to myself. I actually dont play in any beer leagues, usually beer leagues are for slow pitch softball players and I do not play slow pitch softball. I'm glad you have gotten some chuckles though, you sound like a man that needs more joy in his life.


You bit.. and moan and talk about decorum on this particular thread and then you proceed to "launch" on me with personal attacks.

I'm so distressed by your comments that I'm going to cower in a corner because you are a "mean-spirited" person.

You should be grateful that you posted your information. Look at the success: "I actually went back and restructed my homepage".

That is all good.

We are all about helping people achieve...even a modicum of success.

By the way...Can't imagine an ADULT not shaking hands with the opposing team after a spirited game. Called sportsmanship. Game...get

You sound like someone who belongs in one of those AOL chatrooms. You know the type...they live in a mobile home; have 3 teeth; drink a 24 pack of beer on the weekends; have a shotgun in their pick up truck; and, they can solve all the world's problems in 15 minutes in a chatroom.
Last edited by BeenthereIL
"You bit.. and moan and talk about decorum on this particular thread and then you proceed to "launch" on me with personal attacks."

How did I attack you personally? I am curious.

Amazing, I tried to actually answer your attacks with pointing out the error of my ways, and you refer to me as....

"You sound like someone who belongs in one of those AOL chatrooms. You know the type...they live in a mobile home; have 3 teeth; and, they can solve all the world's problems in 15 minutes in a chatroom."
I think that the way some of the things that were said here are a bit out of line.
I am not sure why you removed your original post, I am not even sure of why you originally posted it. noidea If you want to be better understood, you have got to stand up for what you believe in, not what others do. You did come asking for advice and here, it's always a c**p shoot what you will get.
The internet is a strange place, learn to adjust and accept what goes on, or don't go there.

I am very comfortable with who I am and where I am. Having fled from Lithuania years ago when the Russians and Germans were making it a battleground, will make you very stoic when you get older and realize what might have been.

I have 7 children, the last of whom is now a freshman in high school. Have 3 grandchildren, too.

They keep me in stitches all the time.

I'm sorry if you feel offended, but I'm prepared to go forward.

Hugs and kisses.
Last edited by BeenthereIL
I think everyone should log on to Bruce's website and scroll around. It would be good for those trying to determine what is happening here and it would be good for Bruce (lots of hits).

I see the good and bad regarding the website. Tons and tons of stuff about Bruce and quite a bit about his community, relatives and friends. Some might think it's a bit much, others might wish there was someone in their community who did this.

Bruce, I checked your previous posts... Seems you are very interested in helping others. About the site... It's just... IMO... A bit too much about Bruce... If you know what I mean.

Have to admit I also got a chuckle or two out of your site and that's a good thing. Best of luck! Please continue to post here, lots of real nice people, really.
PGStaff, Thanks for your kind words and your IMO about my website.

Yes, there is alot of info on there and yeah, some of it is about myself. This is an era of web blogs,, and other places for people to post about themselves.

I kind of decided to merge the two, and have information about players from my area, both past and present, as well as information about minor league franchises from my area, and yeah some stuff about myself. I love history, especially baseball history, so my website went from orginally being about me and my family members that play ball, to being a resource for people to look up information on players. I like to think of it as "my online baseball scrapbook, with some local history added".

I also enjoy message boards and usually when i post on them I put my web address at the bottom, because I liken it to signing my name. I truly have a love of the game and helping people whenever I can through recapping my own experiences or experiences of others that i have heard about.

My first few posts on here I offered my opinion on people who wrote in with questions. I never try to make fun of someone regardless of thier question. You have to take into account people's feelings when you respond to them, because it's about karma, what goes around comes around.

I guess that is why I was offended by a few things written on here in the last 24 hours. I figured I would pose a question for some feedback, and then got made fun was a legitimate question for feedback on a situation, and lets face it I plain got kicked around.

It's no biggie though I'll survive, I probably will continue to offer my opinion here and there when people have questions and I think I have an answer on these boards. And I'll continue to put my web addy at the bottom of my post in case someone wonders, "who is this guy". But I just wanted people to remember, "it's an online scrapbook", and pseudo news resource for baseball in my area, and that is all.

To beenthereIL, read your last post. No problem on my end now and thanks for your last comment. Interesting to read of your history, and where you came from.
Been there and gone..... toilet.....don't know why that expression comes to mind.....anyway....HackettBaseball...didn't really understand your post either....but despite ground rules for TPM posted......rudeness happens on a message board.....and think you need to stand up for what you think is right....or not post in the first place.....and, in conclusion....sorry for the treatment you received here.....
Last edited by LadyNmom

Originally posted by HackettBaseball:'s about karma, what goes around comes around.

I've taken the liberty of emphasizing the word above...karma.

There is a whole thread on this word in the Unusally Unusual forum in the General Forum section of this message board...take a l-o-n-g look at it...if you can stomach that then you can handle the rest! rotlaugh

Welcome aboard the HSBBW...Buddy!
Last edited by gotwood4sale

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