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Originally posted by Panther Dad:
Guys, I recognize the frustration of tough calls -- but do these tournaments mean that much -- to anyone? Don't get me wrong -- if you feel strongly about the umpires, contact their chapters or tournament officials or whatever....but I hope you all can pull something positive out of these early season outings.

If you're a coach that reads this message board....and you feel particularly puffed up because your team "won" one of these things despite questionable calls by home officials --- then, simply put, shame on you. What goes around.....well, you know how it works.

My son had to sit out 4 of our 5 games (several ankle sprain) --- I wish we had those 4 games back in preparation for district play. And I, for one, am thankful for the lovely weather --- here's to another perfect baseball weekend....beginning next Thursday. Smile

Good points, SGDad.

Thursday??? District play starts Tuesday for most of us...the week starts Tuesday!
Raider06.... If it weren't for the bad calls Rider wouldn't have been in the Championship game. 3 teams from your bracket were 2-1 your loss to Weatherford (which should have been the #1 seed) Weatherford Had a 7-0 lead on Midland Lee on Lee's home field when the UMPS started doing their thing. Britton was throwing great and was unhitable. If you go to the Tournament of Champions the Umpires do a great job, unless you play a team from Midland then it gets real ugly.
Originally posted by SGDad:
So my kids team loses a tournament game this weekend to the host team. Very questionable call in the bottom of the 6th.

Maybe if my sons team would of hit the cut off in the 3rd, or covered a squeeze in the 5th, or not got picked off 2nd the 4th, or, or, or

I was not at the game, but got first-hand information from family members and the problem was that the calls appeared to be very "home-based". In spite of all of that, MNHS won the game. With that being said, it sure is tough to win against a good team and a couple of guys in blue. I am surprised there has been no rebuttal from Newman Smith people as I know some of them are active contributors on this board.

I agree that the tournaments don't mean much. Normally, you are not throwing your top pitchers as district play begins this week. However, any game you play, you want it to be fair. Win or lose, let the kids determine the outcome.
Originally posted by Dawgdad:
Originally posted by SGDad:
So my kids team loses a tournament game this weekend to the host team. Very questionable call in the bottom of the 6th.

Maybe if my sons team would of hit the cut off in the 3rd, or covered a squeeze in the 5th, or not got picked off 2nd the 4th, or, or, or

I was not at the game, but got first-hand information from family members and the problem was that the calls appeared to be very "home-based". In spite of all of that, MNHS won the game. With that being said, it sure is tough to win against a good team and a couple of guys in blue. I am surprised there has been no rebuttal from Newman Smith people as I know some of them are active contributors on this board.

I agree that the tournaments don't mean much. Normally, you are not throwing your top pitchers as district play begins this week. However, any game you play, you want it to be fair. Win or lose, let the kids determine the outcome.

Thanks to FO for pointing out my mistake in misreading SGDad's post. All I am trying to point out is to let it be fair for all teams and let the game be decided by the play of the participants. I agree with SGDad that there are normally many opportunities in a game to win or lose, but I think we all hope it doesn't come down to a late call that can sure have an affect on the outcome.
Originally posted by SGDad:
So my kids team loses a tournament game this weekend to the host team. Very questionable call in the bottom of the 6th.

Maybe if my sons team would of hit the cut off in the 3rd, or covered a squeeze in the 5th, or not got picked off 2nd the 4th, or, or, or

If we are talking about the same game, it was tied 1-1 until the 7th and then a passed ball allowed the winning run. I saw the base running error in the top of 7. That definitely killed them. I am not sure about the questionable call in the 6th, I thought the officiating was pretty good. SGP is a good team. Did they win the tournament? Your team did very well in the LH game.

Funnelldrill, Great Job!!! SGP and Midlothian are very good.. Way to get the most out of your kids!!
Originally posted by Coolarrow:
Originally posted by SGDad:
So my kids team loses a tournament game this weekend to the host team. Very questionable call in the bottom of the 6th.

Maybe if my sons team would of hit the cut off in the 3rd, or covered a squeeze in the 5th, or not got picked off 2nd the 4th, or, or, or

If we are talking about the same game, it was tied 1-1 until the 7th and then a passed ball allowed the winning run. I saw the base running error in the top of 7. That definitely killed them. I am not sure about the questionable call in the 6th, I thought the officiating was pretty good. SGP is a good team. Did they win the tournament? Your team did very well in the LH game.

Funnelldrill, Great Job!!! SGP and Midlothian are very good.. Way to get the most out of your kids!!

Thanks, but they are starting getting the most out of themselves!!! Still a long way to go and a lot of baseball to play.
If the adage is true about bad calls evening themselves out over the long run, I'd rather get my share out of the way early in the season as opposed to late.

I would hope that most coaches take advantage of the situation by using it to teach the kids to take care of business so that they won't put themselves in a position to lose a game on a late judgement call.
Last edited by Frozen Ropes GM

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