A summary of this year's annual game, which we only do once a year as it takes 365 days to heal properly:
1. Found out 4 hours before game time I'd be a player-manager.
2. (1) meant I could regulate my own playing time. Cool. At 53, you don't ever truly get "loose". There's more painful and less painful, but no "loose".
3. On the plus side, I pitched an inning with no major injury, no more than moderate laughter, and I hit the "kid" that took me yard last year. Yes, on purpose. (The "kid" plays college ball)
4.On the plus side, when I pitched my one inning, my college frosh son played shortstop. Way cool to be on the field playing with a son.
5. On the negative side, I experienced something likely NEVER experienced before in baseball: they intentionally walked an eighty year old to get to me. (okay, so they actually pitched around him, same difference)
6. I repaid the gesture by driving in two runs- the third baseman was too old to bend down to field my "hot shot" to third...okay, maybe it was a routine grounder, but he didn't touch it, which means 2 rbi's to me.
7. Never bat yourself in the lineup behind an 80 year old. He's gets all of the crowd affection, you look young by comparison, and pitchers hate to throw easy to two guys in a row.
8. Sunday morning pre-church meal was Cheerios and Advil.
9. The unsympathetic wife hooted when I iced my arm after the game. Hey, next May will be here before we know it....
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