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Dulles Mustangs/Steve;

Steve, you do know that there are going to be two new HS's in Loudoun in 2010 right? Trust me there is an opportunity to get into coaching in LoCo. A lot of HS programs in Loudoun struggle to get a full staff. I know for certain that Stone Bridge, and Potomac Falls will both have JV Head Coach openings. Freedom - South Riding has all 3 Assistant jobs open. I am not sure as to whom was hired or if they hired a new coach at Dominion HS, but there will be 3 assistant jobs opening there. Don't go too far away because they love to hire from within the county with Loudoun County schools and they will hire guys who don't work in the county if no other quality option is available.

Last edited by Mid-Atlantic Mets
No hot seats in the WCAC. PVI, DM, STJ--all perennial powers whose records speak for themselves. Three of the best HS programs in the country. GC, Gonzaga, O/C--cannot expect to beat the other three year-in and year-out, for championships, but can always be competitive, game-by-game, with anyone. So, they, too, are secure. BI, SMR, McN--nothing is expected, so no need for the seat to be hot. Gallagher may have put himself in a position of having to compete, but everyone will recognize the need for him to rebuild every two or three years. This year is a rebuilding year, and next year will be tough, but he should have a very good team in 2012. I just don't think that there are any hot seats--at least as far as pure baseball considerations are concerned (now, as far as relationships between coaches and administrators, I have no idea).
Why can't BI start to build a continuing competitive player pipeline? Are you saying they haven't as yet or they can't for some other reason? There are lots of good players in that area and a growing number of baseball academies. Gallagher is pretty connected.

Not going to replace the teams you mention from a reputation standpoint in the near future, but why the cyclic nature?
I think it is just a function of numbers--numbers of kids who can afford to go to BI, all things considered (of the limited pool of good athletes that will attend private school in any given year, some go to Gonzaga, others to PVI, others to O'Connell. . .). BI has to fight for each and every one of those kids. Under Coppin, they did not even think about trying. But Coach Gallagher will make a go of it. I just think he will face lean years and strong years. He had some good athletes his first two years. He built them into a solid, competitive team. This year will be much more of a challenge. He has very little coming back, losing, I believe, 8 seniors who saw alot of playing time. I think he is lean for both 2010 and 2011, then will be solidly competitive again after that. But I hope he proves me wrong and wins every year.

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