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Posted on Sun, Feb. 15, 2004

Nice trade, but say goodbye to credibility

By Randy Galloway

Star-Telegram Staff Writer

Last week they were speaking the "baseball truth." That should never be mistaken for the real truth.

Link below to the entire article
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by ChicksDigTheLongBall:
Thanks for the article andy kinda like last nights news tho.

I posted the story because I felt the comment ""the "baseball truth." That should never be mistaken for the real truth."" was important. I knew the rest of it wasn't a news flash. Included the link for context.
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Originally posted by ChicksDigTheLongBall:
Best quote in the article:
But to tell the truth, this appears to be a good trade for all parties

Remember, it's a business first!

Knowledge is Power! Thank you Mavens and HSBBWEB!

Still missing the point Chicks. Don't care about the trade. Strictly speaking about the credibility of Pro ball.
They've started to see plenty of empty seats in basketball.

Baseball is next...It is going to happen.

In the next 10-15 years, we're going to see a major disruption of professional baseball.

Look at how many teams are out of it before the season starts: Cubs, Sox, Mets, Marlins, Detroit, Cleveland, Baltimore, A's, Anaheim, Seattle, Dodgers, Toronto, Montreal/Puerto Rico, Brewers, St. Louis, Houston, Arizona, Rockies, Rangers, Reds, Pirates, Indians...

One team can spend $30,000,000.00 and another $200,000,000.00!!!! Does anyone really believe you can compete with a team spending 200mil if you only have 30mil?

How can this be good for baseball?
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Originally posted by ChicksDigTheLongBall:
You must be a democrat? Are you looking for parity in baseball?

Knowledge is Power! Thank you Mavens and HSBBWEB!

Not parity credibility.

Re: party affiliation, I'm a pragmatist. However, I think the most important jobs that we need to outsource are GW Gump & his idiot brother Jethro.
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