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Folks, if you want to watch an absolutely cool, motivational youtube story, this is it. This kid is a motivation for all. He was signed by the Pirates after a reality-show tryout, having never heard of baseball in his life. Look at him now!

First India-Born Professional Baseball Player

When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained. --Mark Twain

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Awesome to see that update.

My friends and I talked about this show a bunch during the olympics.

We kept looking at athletes of 1 sport from the perspective of a scout of another sport.

For example, how could an NBA team NOT sign one of the 6ft 10in volleyball players to a 10 day contract? Why not? The risk/reward seems in a teams favor. So what if they spend $10,000 (or $5k or $20k). That is nothing to their budget.

Or perhaps an NFL team signing an Olympic sprinter as a RB or more likely a CB. Again, the risk/reward seems in the teams favor.

Wouldn't surprise me to see an MLB team set up an academy in India. They literally have a billion people. Cricket is the national sport. Some of those guys can already throw heat. Seems like a logical transition to slide over to baseball.

Originally posted by PIS:
Awesome to see that update.

My friends and I talked about this show a bunch during the olympics.

We kept looking at athletes of 1 sport from the perspective of a scout of another sport.

For example, how could an NBA team NOT sign one of the 6ft 10in volleyball players to a 10 day contract? Why not? The risk/reward seems in a teams favor. So what if they spend $10,000 (or $5k or $20k). That is nothing to their budget.

Or perhaps an NFL team signing an Olympic sprinter as a RB or more likely a CB. Again, the risk/reward seems in the teams favor.

Wouldn't surprise me to see an MLB team set up an academy in India. They literally have a billion people. Cricket is the national sport. Some of those guys can already throw heat. Seems like a logical transition to slide over to baseball.

Or the other way around. One of the greatest beach volleyball players of all time is Mike Dodd?. He's 6'7". He played D1 basketball and was drafted. When he failed to make it he turned to volleyball.
Last edited by RJM
NFL teams have tried that a time or two without much success. Seems like San Fran tried it with Reynaldo Nehemiah (sp?) over 20 years ago.

I'm with you. Somebody ought to open a Ewing Caughman Baseball Academy in India. Got to be millions of great athletes over there not doing anything.

Originally posted by PIS:

Or perhaps an NFL team signing an Olympic sprinter as a RB or more likely a CB. Again, the risk/reward seems in the teams favor.

Wouldn't surprise me to see an MLB team set up an academy in India. They literally have a billion people. Cricket is the national sport. Some of those guys can already throw heat. Seems like a logical transition to slide over to baseball.

Originally posted by MTH:
NFL teams have tried that a time or two without much success. Seems like San Fran tried it with Reynaldo Nyou.

When I was very young, I remember seeing John Carlos in a full length black leather jacket on the Eagles sideline. I thought it was cool they drafted a guy who could fly (like Bob Hayes). Unfortunately, John Carlos got hurt before that season began. I don't think he ever played in the NFL. He still has his place in sports, though.
Last edited by AntzDad
TRhit -

Your original post was removed before I could reply. But I saw it. I had to read it twice to be sure I saw it correctly. I was hoping you were making some incredibly poor joke. But from your response to "BUM" I take it that you stand by the post.

All I can think is how unfair, immature, and racist that comment was.

I'd say that you are, no, make that WERE one of the posters with lots of great insight into this game for children. But no child needs to be mentored by a person that makes comments like the one you did.

There is enough hate in this world. Turn on the nightly news and you'll see it.

Baseball doesn't need it.


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