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I truly do not like all these player rankings and HS team rankings--- I cannot figure out how one ranking has players in the Top 100 and in others the same kids are not in the top 500

Same with HS teams--Top 10 in one poll and not even in the Top 50 in another

I guess that beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder !!!

No offense Coach --I am not singling out your son---I am looking at other players,as well, in the rankings. I have been there--my son as a HS senior was ranked by one publication as the 17th best outfielder in the nation-- it is realy fun stuff
Joe ....congrats on Michael, you guys are doing a nice job.

Rankings are what they are. My NY Prospect Report started off as my personal database when i used to birddog for some area scouts. It has since grown, and although I contact almost every NY HS and summer team coach it's only as good as the response I get. I do see many of the kids personally but it's impossible to see them all. I look at it this way ....any exposure is better than no exposure. You can check the report if interested at NY Prospect Report
Last edited by Ozone
Congrats Coach Merc, That’s a great honor for Michael. He is a very talented player. You have every reason to feel very proud and even to brag a little.

I want to reply, but don't want this to sound disrespectful towards any outstanding players.

Whether it is Rivals, Baseball America or anyone else making a list. Who actually sees these players? Has anyone seen a Rivals scout at any event? Baseball America's scouting department consists of one or two guys who are mainly journalist.

Everyone gathers there information from basically the same source. Then maybe they might double check with MLB scouts or college coaches. Scouts and College coaches aren't giving out there top 100 list, so the names have to come from somewhere. It's very obvious to us where the names are coming from.

This probably shouldn't bother us, but we spend millions of dollars every year trying to "scout" the entire country trying to find and identify the top players. We still miss some, but just think how many would be missed if we didn't do that.

Here is what I mean...

95 of the Rivals top 100 have been to PG events, most have been to several PG events. All 100 have been ranked by pgcrosschecker. BTW, 95 of the top 100 in Baseball America also attended PG events and all 100 are ranked by pgcrosschecker.

Here is what is most revealing IMO. There was one individual showcase event held last June (Perfect Game National Showcase) at the Metrodome in Minneapolis. This was 10 months ago when most people didn’t even know about most of these players.

65 of the Rivals current top 100 were at that PG Showcase last June. There were only a few more than 200 total players at that event. Yet all of the rankings lists are dominated by those players. In addition to the 65 PG national players listed, another 16 on the rivals list were invited to the PG National last year. That would include Coach Merc’s son, who couldn’t make it due to the high school playoffs. We know he’s an outstanding player. We’ve seen him!

Baseball America’s current top 100 actually has even more players who attended that showcase in Minneapolis. 71 of Baseball America’s top 100 were at that event last June. Another 9 were invited but couldn’t attend. Over 80% of the current top 100 high school players were invited to the Metrodome last June.

For the naysayers who talk about PG playing favorites or only ranking the kids who attend PG events. While you are complaining, go complain to the others who make out their lists ranking the top players. After all, it’s their list we are talking about.

I truly do not like all these player rankings and HS team rankings--- I cannot figure out how one ranking has players in the Top 100 and in others the same kids are not in the top 500


Should everyone just keep high school baseball quiet and not talk about top teams and top players? Just let it happen in Basketball and football, but don't promote high school baseball?

Personally I think if everyone did there own work these lists would be much more different. The facts are all there for anyone to research. The thing that amazes me isn’t one player being in the top 100 on one list and below 500 in another. I actually think that is pretty close from a national perspective. With as many players out there you would think you would see new names that don’t appear on any PG list. To me the big thing is just how many of the same names appear on everyone’s list. Doesn’t that say something? The fact there are no other names anywhere besides those already identified on pgcrosschecker seems to speak volumes.

We are still identifying players every day who belong and enter in the rankings. You won’t see them in other rankings, because people actually have to find these kids. There’s no one else looking that hard, evidently! This stuff gets more and more obvious every year. In the end there was one list that was always more accurate than the others. That is why the lists are now so similiar.

As far as one player being ranked real high on one list and not so high on another... just means one list is more accurate regarding that player than the other but we have to wait to see which list that is. As far as ranking teams go... I see this as a great promotion for high school baseball. I don't see any possible harm done by doing this. It gives people something to talk about and debate.

All that said: whether we have them ranked in the top 100 or the top 1,000 most all these kids are very talented. The good thing is young players are being recognized. Some don’t like rankings, but I found out quite awhile ago that they create lots of interest. I consider that interest as a promotion for high school baseball. The more well known these players are the closer we get to high school basketball and football. Is that bad? Anyone here can do a somewhat accurate rankings list and all they need to do is go to one source. I wish some of the others would identify a new name for once.

Congratulations to all the kids who are recognized on any list. We know all of them and they are all very deserving whether the recognition comes from us or someone else. There are some others who are fairly unknown right now and some of them will become the big names in the end. These rankings (even ours) don’t determine the final results.
Should everyone just keep high school baseball quiet and not talk about top teams and top players? Just let it happen in Basketball and football, but don't promote high school baseball?

I think we've all been to more than enough high school and even college games with less than 100 people watching. Congrats to Michael!!
Last edited by Dad04
This ranking is why I wrestled--you beat the guy on the mat your #1 end of story. Just joking about rankings though I think they help some kids get recognized which is great. My question is--what about the talented kids whose parents can't afford to send him to showcases? Obviously a disadvantage, he can still play high school ball but from what I hear showcases are where the scouts are. Correct me if I am wrong because I certainly am no expert.

I have no problem with the exposure and publicity it gives the kids, in fa ct I think it is great, but it just amazes me that players are rated all over the lot especally when most have not even been seen by the pollsters.

Like I say I would love to have the young Mercurio boy on my squad--just ask his Dad. The kid is a "get down and dirty" player

That is my whole point. We actually have had someone on our staff see just about every player we have ever ranked. We also get follow up reports continually on most of these players. That is what everyone should do if they are going to rank players.

I agree with you about Merc's kid!

Baseball Dad 46,

We try hard to identify players, not identify how wealthy they are. We have the largest network in baseball. All these kids are not rich and some have never been to a showcase. We see lots of players and we don't see them all at Perfect Game events. Carl Crawford grew up in the 5th Ward in Houston. He was living in poverty. Once we found him things worked out well. His financial position and having never been to a showcase didn't stop us from ranking him where we thought he belonged. He is just one of many many stories. Scouts go where the players are. They don't just attend any old showcase. All that said... last year nearly 78% of all the players drafted by Major League teams did in fact attend a Perfect Game event. I can guarantee you that they were not all from wealthy families. Having money isn't enough, you can't buy talent. Please don't assume that just because a player is ranked, he paid anything for that. It doesn't work that way.
PG as long as you guys are doing it the way you do it and are so respected for how you do it there will be people that use your information to post their own lists. Of course you already know that.

Coach congrats to your son it is well deserved he is a tremendous player. I spent a couple of hours with one of his future college coaches this past summer at a showcase and all he did was rave about his new player coming in "your son."
There is no one that does it better then PG. We tell all our players that we had to learn over the years what the right formula was. After 8 seasons and many successes, if you look at our schedule, it is no longer 60-80 games as it once was. It is now go to the events where the greatest exposure is offered to the players and make it about the kids not the organization. You will find us playing at no less then 5 PG events this summer and fall.

As far as the rankings. Everyone is trying to make a name for their organization/event. I can remember playing at TR's tournament a few years back and low and behold there was someone from another showcase group, and sure enough all the kids got letters inviting them to his showcase. "We saw you recently"

Many schools work the same way. As Jerry indicated my son did not attend the National last year because his team was in the State semi-finals and they eventually won the State Championship the same weekend. My point is he received no less then 10 letters stating that he was seen at the "National". For Michaels sake, If he had attended the National he could have been or may have been ranked higher on PG's list. I can tell you this. he is a better player now then he was last year and for me that is key. He's faster, stronger and 20lbs heavier.

Enjoy any accolades your player gets. Save them because by the time they have kids, the stories will grow larger just like ours have.

That is the reason we attend your events, no I am not kissing up LOL---it is pure business--we know that scouts will be at games as well as you having guys behind the plate keeping score and evaluating

Most other events do not do that---we attend both of your qualifiers at BasebalL Heaven--the reason is simple-- the cost for tournaments are relatively the same no matter which ones you attend--as an organization we want the best return on the buck for our players and parents--thus why not spend the same $$ and get more in return-- IE scouts and evaluations and parents being happy---after all they have their son playing with us for exposure

And let me tell you all who are reading this --for the parents who are footing the bill it means a lot to see all the scouts and evaluators in attendance not to mention for me and our staff and having the chance to talk to a multitude of coaches and scouts about our kids.

By the way one of our kids, the Hagan boy is on the same Rival Top 100 so I am not crying sour grapes---just stating facts
Looks like they can't tell one Jonathon Meyer from another.

Jonathon Meyer from Simi Valley has committed to Fullerton while Jonathon Meyer from Cathedral Catholic has committed to Clemson.

They seem to have gotten the two mixed up. My guess is that the one who is ranked in the top 100 would be Jonathon Meyer from Simi Valley.

They obviously haven't seen the two players.
Last edited by CADad
Congrats to your son. I look forward to following him along with the others on this list.

What is fun is to jump back to these lists down the road and look to see who has jumped up and who did not quiet live up to the expectations. Not that that is an insult to the player, rather a conclusion that beauty is in the eye of the beholder which is a lesson that those who are not acknowledged need to hear in order to keep the dream alive, and a reason to continue hard work.

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