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From what I have been told, this prospect, Robert Stock is absolutely loved by all teammates opponents and the entire baseball world for his excellent attitude and desire to succeed and willingness to pay the price by doing all the extra things.

I was very aware of his unique desire seldom seen in any player much less in a 12 yr. old seeking info here at HSSBBW from professional level scouts and true experts about the rotational mechanics of pitching and hitting several years ago, 2003 I do believe.

Was totally took-back then and said to several Scouts that a 12 yr old is rising in the ranks. Stated that young RS was also talking with ex MLB players and communicating effectively with the top baseball gurus like Jesus in the temple at age 12 giving the chief priests an education on God.
Not kidding, this is how "rare" I viewed RS. This is why I believe in RS. Money or monetary type reasons are not in Shep's equation. There is more to life than material things and how you live your life counts in the end, not how much wealth you have even though many are given that too. It is like building up wealth in an imaginary storehouse not to be opened except by the highest power only then in the very end. Very rarely do you see a person in any phase of life demonstrate ability to work so hard to achieve great success, when you do,
the rewards are great. For those out there who think this type of ability fell from the heavens onto Robert Stock you are very wrong. This ability came through HARD WORK. Hard work and dedication gets you to the top.
Shep has been there before, click below if interested, pp39-43 body-builder LOL
Last edited by Shepster
Thanks Rob for the compliment. Sounds like you really care too.

Hey Jason,

Not a paid full-time scout yet and besides, everybody already knows about Robert Stock and I feel he is a good role model to motivate and help other young players. He is a great "raise the bar" kinda player, IMO. Those who are willing to follow in his steps can attain the same results when preparation meets opportunity if they are willing to pay the price and raise the bar in the developmental process as RS does.

To me, only a very few times does this happen though in young players. I saw it happen in Russell Oles Branyan when he was 14 yrs old and not even playing baseball. He was dedicated in all the above mentioned areas accept for differences with HS football coach who I do believe had different ideas for Russ. Told former Major League LHP pitcher Bobby Hendley about the situation who was coaching at a private school closeby and began working with him until his senior year at that school when he was drafted and signed by Mark German of Cleveland Indians in 6th round.

Robert reminds me of Russ in his work ethic and willingness to go the extra mile. In fact, Russ went about 90 extra miles each day to play for Coach Bobby Henley and Bubber Adams at Stratford Academy HS.

Russ "REALLY" loved the game for all the right reasons and still does at TB. Even reported early and think Coach Maddon was impressed from conversations with others. He will do well there for the Devil Rays. He is sleeper and has gradually improved every year in several areas such as OBP and BA. Will be .300 hitter in the next two years w/ power if he stays healthy and DRays will be happy happy Smile clapping

I gravitated to that above-mentioned player because I can relate to that individual. For example, as in my own experiences between the lines on the diamond, in the baseball instructional classroom, batting cages, tee area, indoor training facilities, at the gym, in the film room, and all the other places I feel the exceptional player hangs out. That's where you find the PLAYER. That's where I found Russ and Robert.

In process of becoming full-time, if not this year, next year, hopefully. Will be a different Shep then who will be guarded and private with info but till then FlippJ, it's all fair game and all in the open. I actually kinda like it that way, for now. Seems to be more helpful for others who I'm in contact with here and keeps me connected between here and there. Feedback is also outstanding at HSBBW and legite people here who really care and who seek benchmarks of excellence in baseball. Shep likes that and honored that you inquired about Shep Jason. PM me anytime for the rest of the story.


Last edited by Shepster
Not a paid full-time scout yet
shep, putting your evaluation/promotion into context, a fair question would then be;

do you stand to gain if the club you are affiliated with eventually drafts & signs the young man?
do you have ties with any advisors/agents/agencies?
are you considered a "booster" of any college by NCAA defintion?
Last edited by Chairman

Have absolutely no ties to any agency and stand to gain absolutely nothing from anybody for my efforts.

Not affiliated with NCAA college or agency either.

Do this for my love for the game like so many others Smile I am not alone. Have met numerous others who do the same thing just to remain involved.

There are many former players coaches scouts who I speak with on reg. basis who use a venue such as this to ease the pain. Know what I mean sir?

Chairman, you seem genuinely interested and present yourself as someone with "clout".

Been waiting for the right person to come along and recognize Shepster's ability and reward him according to that ability in front office hiring process as in owner or Board member.

Are you that person Chairman?

Are you someone with great power Smile?

Shep Smile
Last edited by Shepster
I enjoy the evals, but bristle a little at being coerced to fall in love with a guyWink

Are you that person Chairman?

lol, I could have been, but those meatpackers in Nebraska beat me out of that 365 mil powerball jackpot

that even after much praying about it!!

finally the Lord spoke while I slept;

"Chairman, I'm willing to listen to your lottery prayers,
but it would help ME if you had the smarts to at least BUY A TICKET"

Last edited by Chairman
Thanks Chairman for vote of confidence and have already found several others that are not well-known that I will keep guarded Smile Just in case a team decides to hire Shep full-time.

It's very very difficult to keep players a secret nowadays. Your best chance is signing a free agent from another country that is not on radar screen yet. Even then, chances will be great at least one other team knows about prospect Smile

ANd besides, if Shep keeps all the scouts minds on 2007 prospect, they will become distracted Wink

Originally posted by Coach Chris:
[QUOTE]So now instead of getting the Marshall law right from the sheriff himself [marshall] they get it from his faithful deputy Chris Oleary aka [barney fife].


And how many years did you pitch in the majors?

And how many records do you hold?

And how many Cy Young awards did you win?[/QUOTE

Chris, If your above post was meant for "polish pride" whom you somehow have dubbed "Paul" your wrong. Ive tried over and over again to warn/help/educate to some extent you on this site and a couple of others.

I told you I was going to be watching you and what you post.
somehow you mistook that as a form of "flattery" as me being consumed with "you". You could not have been more wrong. Im consumed with your "thoughts" related to pitching and the effect it may have a a well intentioned person. Not "you" personally, thankfully I have no stake in Chris Oleary. Your "notions" have become ridiculous to say the least. Quite simply in my opinion of course, your way out of your league here, you just dont know it.

You inject medical advice into many of your posts. you have stated on this or another site something to the effect of you finding what doctors have told posters in regards to their injuries as "dubious". Who in the hell are you to say such things? What education/experience do you have to tell some well intentioned person over the net that his doctors advice is "dubious"? Chris Oleasry the self proclaimed biomechanical pitching coach. Biomechanics is all about movement. You use your biomechanical genius regarding pitchers looking at still pics. That alone tells me your a fricking nutcase! Once again I will try to help you in your quest Chris. You really need to LEARN what it takes to become a success in regards to pitching a baseball. Im talking the amount of power that must be generated in regards to horsepower or watts, that would be a start. Because than and only than you just may realize that many of your "notions" become moot points.
My son would have to make some very big strides to get a chance to face Robert next year, so he probably won't face him.

I'm going to try and see our games against them. I'm looking forward to seeing Robert throw. Last year he warmed up but didn't pitch because Stoffel threw a gem (and got beat by an even better effort and some poor fielding).
Last edited by cap_n
"Belittling people serves no useful purpose other than to attempt to boost one’s own ego."

This dosnt make sense! Boosting ones ego isnt a useful purpose. Well, at least its not important on my side of the fence...

In the future please refrain from addressing me with these lessons in life unless your my pops.

Much appreciated!

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