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Gotwood, do you suppose one day the scientists will create a robotic, intelligent suppository? I think the 'rough draft' you've shown is evidence that something is probably already in the works.....

And maybe the robotic suppository would be programmed to sing "Ring of Fire" as it went about its work.....

Now anticipating your next photo please, GW.....
It's been rumored Krak that a product much like you have described has indeed been perfected, but, and this is a very big but, the researchers have decided to sitz on it.

Why? I don't know really. I suppository it has something to do with flow. I'm sure it will all work out in the end...don't you think so Krak?

Oh...that photo you wanted. This is as close to their lab as I was able to get..

I got too close to the fence and they really let me have it with the H...

My facial features have now really shrunk...especially my nose.

It's so small I've had to resort to tearing my Kleenex© into 1/16ths so that I don't offend it and give it some sort of inferiority complex.

I need advice on what to do. I've got a call into Michael Jackson...nothing but the best!

Sorry I couldn't get any closer Krak.

Last edited by gotwood4sale

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