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The Mitchell Report on Steroids in Baseball is currently on LIVE TV on Capitol Hill as of 9:50am (Eastern Standard Time) Tues. Jan 15th.

** The original forum title of this topic was changed today, "Thurs Jan 17" from "Steroids Congressional Hearing Live TV - NOW" to "Clemens, Pettitte, testifying on Capitol Hill".

** See my post dated Jan. 17 for updated information on the next scheduled Congressional hearing testimony for Roger Clemens and other invitees...
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Continuation of testimony on Capitol Hill reference "The Mitchell Report - Steroids in Baseball", is scheduled for Wednesday, February 13 at 10:00am. (Eastern Standard Time)

Below are some of the attendees whom have been invited and asked to give a deposition to the Congressional Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on Capitol Hill. Again, this will probably be televised "live" on C-Span... Stay tuned folks!

Roger Clemens
Andy Pettitte
Chuck Knoblauch
Brian McNamee - Former Yankees Trainer
Kirk Radomski - Former Yankees Trainer & former Mets "batboy"
Last edited by MWR-VA
Whoah! You threw me a curve changing the title. I read the first line and saw the time, missed the date. I'm OK, it's just that where I'm at, it's 9.5 hours ahead of Eastern Standard time which is what I keep my computer set at. Things were not set correctly after vacation; new watch, new computer. I thought I had it fixed the other day, then this.

Now, what was that about ADD/ADHD? Never heard of it. Roll Eyes
For those whom didn't get a chance to watch "live" the testimony as noted above, I'm providing some links below if you want to read their testimony and/or other links with additional information that you may find resourceful for other matters.

"Hearing on Steroids in Major League Baseball and The Mitchell Report"... Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Documents and Links to Testimony by...

1) Chairman Henry A. Waxman - Congressman 30th District of California

2) ** Frank and Brenda Marrero (19 Yr old College Son committed suicide three weeks after he stopped using Steroids)

3) Senator George Mitchell (former Senator and Democratic Majority Leader)
4) Letter to Attorney General Mukasey regarding Miguel Tejada's testimony
5) Testimony of Commissioner Bud Selig
6) Testimony of Donald M. Fehr, Executive Director MLB Players Association
7) Therapeutic Use Exemption Summary Statistics for 2006 & 2007
8) Preliminary Hearing Transcript

"The Efrain Anthony Marrero Foundation"
** In Memory **
Last edited by MWR-VA
* Reminder *

Continuation of testimony on Capitol Hill, "The Mitchell Report - Steroids in Baseball", is scheduled for Wednesday, February 13 at 10:00am (EST) and should be televised live on C-Span.

Players and former trainers scheduled to give testimony...

Roger Clemens
Andy Pettitte
Chuck Knoblauch
Brian McNamee - former Yankees trainer
Kirk Radomski - former Yankees trainer & former Mets "batboy"

"McNamee says he injected Clemens with steroids and human growth horomone at least 16 times in 1998, 2000 and 2001", accusations Clemens has repeatedly denied.


Last edited by MWR-VA

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