Originally posted by coach2709:
I just don't see why we have to hold this guy to such a high standard when none of us could reach it ourselves?
Coach, I (for one) am not holding Mr. Harper to any high standard. And besides the things you listed above, I can't think of any material "thing" he has done to show that he is nothing but human.
But I don't think that qualities like class, professionalism, humility, etc. are high standards. One would think that hopefully his parents would've taught him to appreciate these types of qualities seeing they had a very talented ball player on their hands early. Lord knows I fail miserably daily in several categories so you're right most of us couldn't even make it. But if he doesn't right his own ship soon I just feel like he will have more boo's in the stands then cheers. IMO
I don't wish him bad. I hope he succeeds and (naturally) breaks all kinds of records. I'd just like to see him do it with class like the Dale Murphy's and Cal Ripken's of the world.