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What follows below is being debated on another board I go to. I did not see this situation so I cannot offer anymore information to help make a decision but people are saying it did happen.

Runner on 3rd ,full count on batter ,2 outs .The runner on 3 rd takes off while pitcher in a slow full wind-up .the runner slides across the plate then the ball crosses over him and is called strike 3
Does the run count ?

I am thinking the run does count becaue he took possession of the base before the next out was made but not real sure.

Thanks guys

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Interesting question.

OBR 4.9(a) says, "... A run is not scored if the runner advances to home base during a play in which the third out is made (1) by the batter runner before he touches first base;"

Based on that, it looks like the run would not count (assuming a pitch to the batter qualifies as being "a play".)

Do Fed rules interpret this the same way? Somebody will have to help on that one.

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