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Yesterday in our 14u fall league game.Runners on second and first, ball hit towards second baseman,r1 gets hit by ball and kicks it out into the outfield!, my question to home plate ump was this "dead ball, everyone returns to base they occupied?" correct or not? We play OBR, and he alowed runner from second to score on the play when the ball got kicked to the outfield and was very adamant about it not being a dead ball, so I dropped it since we were burying the other team and my pitcher was one hitting them. But I'm curious to know if it was called correctly? Also for what it's worth he later runs me for a conversation between the two of us on sportsmanship of my players. Apparently one of my players elbowed the catcher as he was scoring on the play, catcher blocking the plate with no play on a dbl. to the outfield, player that scored before said elbower was telling the runner to stay up no play, umpire at home decides to pick up the bat and slam into that players stomach. It actually doubled him over.He comes over after the inning to talk about sportmanship, and I said ok I will talk to my player, but you need to listen to me now about slamming a bat into my players stomach and doubling him over!I didn't do that he says and you're gone! Wow , first time I ever get tossed and I didn't even get in a comment about his mom or sister or anything.Anyway I would like to know the correct ruling on this play aforementioned. Thanks. ps. I know most of you guys in blue do a great job out there, We run a tight ship and demand respect and sportmanship from our players to the other team,officials and the like, but kinda hard to uphold this when we get a clown like this guy.
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I'm not an ump but this one's kind of a no-brainer.

MLB rules:

7.08 A runner is out when.......(f) He is touched by a fair ball in fair territory before the ball has touched or passed an infielder. The ball is dead and no runner may score, nor runners advance, except runners forced to advance. EXCEPTION: If a runner is touching his base when touched by an Infield Fly, he is not out, although the batter is out;
Rule 7.08(f) Comment: If two runners are touched by the same fair ball, only the first one is out because the ball is instantly dead.
If runner is touched by an Infield Fly when he is not touching his base, both runner and batter are out.

As far as the umpire jabbing a player with a bat I'd file a report with the league officials and chief umpire, that guy doesn't need to be umpiring.
As far as an umpire slamming a bat into a runner's stomach, if you are confident this really happened, then you should report that to the police. Conduct like that is a crime and should be treated as such. The fact that it occurred on a baseball field in the course of a game is irrelevant.

Because it was an adult committing battery on a minor, the result of a conviction would likely include that person's being prohibited from associating himself with youth sports in the future. That would seem to me to be a fine outcome -- assuming this is all true, of course.

If you have eye witnesses to overcome the umpire's denial, I would not take this lightly. But if it did happen, there should be plenty of eye witnesses. If you find that folks start saying, "I didn't really see it myself," then it probably didn't happen.

If you saw it yourself, then you were justified in challenging him on it and you will be justified in reporting this crime.

If you did not see it yourself, then leveling a serious accusation like this against an umpire without checking the facts first would, IMHO, justify your ejection.
Last edited by Midlo Dad
You've gotten the ruling on the play...runner out, dead runs score.......

Flat out blown call...(pretty basic one at that)......

If the umpire hit a player with a bat he has no reason to be umpiring.....these are all reasons why I never pick up bats...and seldom throw baseballs back to is not my job and I will be held accountable if a player is hit.....

As to your elbower...Im not discussing sportsmanship with you.....thats your job to discuss with the player....since he will have ample time to talk to you now that he is ejected......(score the run, eject the player)

The best thing about higher baseball is that players play....coaches coach and umpires umpire.......It is in our best interest to keep out of each others areas.....
Hey Thanks guys for the posts I really appreciate the support.For what it's worth I'm sure we'll see this guy again unfortunately any complaint I raise will be looked upon as whining, and the guy that runs the league coaches a team for the rival hitting club.We see a lot of homer umpiring all summer in our league. Too bad to cause it takes a lot of the fun out for the kids, we just try and play over it. Thanks, again
The best thing about higher baseball is that players play....coaches coach and umpires umpire.......It is in our best interest to keep out of each others areas.....

We should have this quote on every page of this site. Just so you know, I have never blown a call, made a bad coaching decision or dropped a ball ........from the stands.....well maybe dropped a ball or 2
NO, I dont see it that way at all...TR operates at a high level with exceptionally dedicated and talented players. He has motivated coaches, players and parents....he then runs into a string of umpires who for whatever reason are less than qualifed or not as motivated as his teams.....or even deliberatly biased....

we all know those types of umpires exist.... we cant deny that they dont....and work hard to eliminate them....they cheapen all of us....

I'm the first one to discount coaches who complain about umpires unjustifiably...but TR isnt one of those types.....
Last edited by piaa_ump
Then there's the kids that work their buts off, some year round trying to perfect their skills only to come to the ballpark and get screwed repeatedly by some clown who can't get past some personal issue he's cooked up with a coach. It's quite the indidual{ notice I didn't say man} that can take that stuff out on a bunch of 13yr. olds trying to have fun. And the best part is the kids see right thru their ****!They know they are going to get some bad calls, or calls that aren't going to go their way some times, but they also realize when they have some clownish ego -maniac out there who doesn't even belong on the same field with them.Sounds like we could use a few more of you guys around here! If your not busy this Sunday.......
In my humble opinion, most umpires do a reasonable or above job. Many moons ago I was a basketball referee and the easiest games to officiate were the top HS games where there was a lot of talent on the floor - the players knew what they were doing and so did the coaches. The harder games were 14U where talent and coaching made it difficult. Dont even ask about the over 30 "pro should have been" games. I was once attacked for calling a guy out of bounds for stepping on the baseline. My hat is off 90 plus percent of the time to the men in blue.....
PIAA, I respect your opinion, call it what you will. But I have played and am still playing this wonderful game at 43 yrs. old.So I've seen my share of bad as well as good. It's always the few that spoil it for the many.My kids do work very hard at their skills, as well as having respect for others.But kind of hard to uphold those values to a 14yo when they don't see people that don the gear do so! We have had some great umpires as well, but as well there, the few out number the many!
....the few out number the many!

I have no idea what that quote means??????

2D is saying that in general most umps do a good job, but unfortunately there are a handful, such as the one that is the subject of this thread, that really stand out like a sore thumb.

I believe that umpires are a lot like catchers in that when they're doing a good job most people generally don't take notice. As soon as the slightest mistake is made, however, everyone sees it.

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