Wolf Jr is a 2016 varsity starter with decent speed but nothing special (6.9 in the 60). He's always been taught to read situations and take advantage of defensive lapses or opportunities on his own so has developed a good baseball IQ. High School season up North here is just kicking off but we have had 5 scrimmages (3 down in FL and 2 up here). In those 5 games, he has stolen 5 bases successfully and ran through 2 signs at 3B on both of which he scored standing up with no play at the plate. HC stays on bench while an assistant coaches 3B. He makes all offensive decisions. The first base he stole on his own came with this follow up conversation, "3B coach - I didn't give you the sign. Why did you steal?" "Jr: count was 1 and 2. I figured a CB was coming and I had timed up the pitcher so I saw the opportunity and went."
HC and 3B coach called players in individually to provide feedback before the season starts. Both had lots of positives. 3B coach then said, "you are a loose cannon on the bases and I don't want you making SB and advancing on balls in play decisions on your own. There are times when I'm working a count and don't want you to steal". Jr was confused and asked what that meant but 3B coach didn't provide an answer beyond, "I just need to work counts so stay put unless I tell you to go."
1) What do you think the 3B coach means by that? It may be my ignorance but I can't think of how he would be working a count that involves taking 2B as a bad thing. Does he really just mean, "I don't want kids going on their own." Which is fine, of course. His choice. I just wanted the opinion of other 3B coaches and HCs
2) How do other 3B / HCs here handle allowing players to decide on SBs and advancing?
Thanks for any input.