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That's awesome! Great role model for those guys!

This summer in the TCL he was a coach on an opposing team and my husband had asked one of the assistants to watch my son at the plate - dad thought he was too close. After the game, Rusty was dragging the field, stopped the Gator, and motioned for my husband to come over to him. Husband didn't think Rusty was motioning for him, so he just stayed where he was. Rusty stopped the machine, got off and came to the fence to tell husband he was right about son being too close to the plate and then proceeded to tell him what a nice swing he had. Made us feel really good.
Rusty spoke at a baseball camp that I was working and I got a chance to meet him. He is as down to earth as the rest of us. Didn't try to "big league" us, just sat around and talked baseball like he was one of the guys.

Congrats to DBAT!!!

Old Pitcher, next time you run into Coach Pratt up there, tell him Coach Senato says hello. He coached under me right out of college. He is a super football coach.
Originally posted by funneldrill:
Old Pitcher, next time you run into Coach Pratt up there, tell him Coach Senato says hello. He coached under me right out of college. He is a super football coach.

Next time I see Shawn, I'll tell him you said hello. He's a super guy that we think very highly of. You did a great job mentoring him apparently!!
I am a huge Rusty Greer fan and I am very excited to have him coaching my son. Even though Rusty wasn't a pitcher I think the way he approaches the game will help my son focus on the mound.

I also imagine that when DBAT travels that the scouts and coaches will want to come see Rusty's team play.

Character, game knowledge and draw what a great combination to have in a coach!!!
Rusty called before accepting his new contract and I assured him he'd have more grey hair after the summer than before he started.

Big Grin

The kids will definately benefit from having him around. I will warn you though...he does spit, cuss, and chew...or at least he did. Wink

To this day I still put 100% of the blame on him for making me a fat boy. Lunches on the road make for my huge gut.

Oh, and if you happen to travel by air with him, don't worry about him twirlin' his's just a nervous habit.

And one last thing, for those that get told your son stands too close to the plate.........

Just keep in mind Rusty basically stood in the on deck circle before he started his swing. Razz

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