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There were runners on second and third and one out when a fly ball was lofted to center field, easily deep enough to score the tagging runner on third. The center field smartly made the play on the runner going from second to third, but did not get him. The fans, noticing that the runner on second left the base early started yelling for the third baseman to throw the ball to second. After an initial hesitation, the throw was made, the bag was tag, the umpire signaled out, and the inning was over. After conferring, the umpires allowed the run to stand saying that the runner on third had properly tagged and crossed the plate before the out was made at second. This seemed wrong to us, since we thought it would be considered a force play. It did not factor into the outcome of the game, but the socring of this run has piqued my curiosity regarding the rules governing this play.
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How do you score that in the book? Put-out for SS?

Do you ever score the runner advancing from second to third on a fly-out a sacrifice? (Assume no runner at third)

Question on umpire mechanics...In the situation above is the HPU watching the runner tag at third and BU the runner at second? Just seems like it would be difficult in a two man crew to really watch the catch and the runner tag at both bases...
The centerfielder gets a putout on the fly while the ss or second baseman would get the one at second depending on who took the throw. It is not considered a sacrifice fly if the runner advances from second to third if no one scored on the play. I have seen very fast runners tag up at second and score on a long flyout and the batter then gets a sacrifice fly.
Three Bagger has this correct. I'll just add that it's technically an "appeal" play, which makes it a "time" play, meaning the run counts if it scores before the out was made at second base.

Also agree that no SF on advance from 2nd to 3rd (or 1st to 2nd) if no runner scores. A 2nd to home score on a fly ball (assuming no missplay that should be scored an error) is a SF.

The question on umpire mechanics is probably best answered over on the umpire forum.
Originally posted by Hawk19:
Question on umpire mechanics...In the situation above is the HPU watching the runner tag at third and BU the runner at second? Just seems like it would be difficult in a two man crew to really watch the catch and the runner tag at both bases...

In the accepted 2 man mechanics (called the "V" or "cone").....On a fly ball to centerfield, the base umpire has the catch and the tag up at second....he should move in such a way so that he can line up so he can get both.....

The Plate umpire has the responsibility for the tag up at third.....
Last edited by piaa_ump

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