One of my son's best friends was cut from the varsity team yesterday.
I can say honestly that I can see why he was cut from a talent standpoint. Bats left, throws left, about 5"10', a little stocky, doesnt pitch, doesnt hit for a lot of power, and not fast enough for the outfield. Started at first on freshmen team, started first base on JV last year, and just got caught up in the numbers game as a junior. Happens to a lot of boys. BUT.....
If there was ever a kid that needed baseball, it is this kid. Mom ran off and isnt in the picture, dad is an out of work alcoholic so he is with grandma most of the time. He always comes to our house, as he is embarrassed by his place. My son has been to his house one time. He can never drive anywhere since he never seems to have gas money. But great kid that loves baseball more than anyone I know. Always has his glove with him. My wife was in tears last night when our son told us he was cut, and I was choked up myself. Kinda worried with out baseball that he could get involved with some bad kids he knows, since he wont be able to hang out with the team like he does now.
My son said the team is going to talk today and figure out a way to get him on the team. The plan is to approach the coach Thursday and talk to him as a team and beg for him to be added to the roster, and at least practice with the team.
I know the hard a$$es on the board will say, the heck with him, he wasnt good enough so he shouldnt get a charity spot on the team. While I would normally agree, I wish an exception would be made for this guy. My son took him out to eat after tryouts yesterday and he said he was in tears the whole time.
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