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Was talking with a friend (Boston fan) at work about this today. I used to be for it - now that I've got a son who might play professional baseball someday, I'm against it. Thats just being honest.

Oh my how your perspective changes when the tables turn. biglaugh

(My answer certainly doesn't take into account what might be best for baseball I admit - and it certainly doesn't help my once-proud Reds). Frown

"Pitching is the art of instilling fear," Sandy Koufax.
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I'm by no means an expert, but I can't believe the sport will be able to flourish, let alone survive without a cap. The big will get bigger and the small will stink and have no fan support.
It seems to be working out ok for the NFL. Correct me if I'm wrong.

"People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring." Rogers Hornsby, Hall of Famer

i think what most of these owners need is a stupidity cap. They make horrible, terrible moves and then whine about the money they've spent/wasted.

If you're old enough to remember, I think the Dodgers are still paying off Don Stanhouse and Dave Goltz for the monster contracts they were given at the time and then never pitched another inning.

With no pitching, Hicks was out of his mind to give A-Rod 25 million a year to begin with. the dodgers a 100 million deal and use of a private plane to Kevin Brown. It goes on and on.
Salary Cap??? I thought we were talking about America's Pastime not Commie Kickball (the s word). Why would anyone bring in such an un-American thing as a salary cap? A little Yankee ingenuity and the whole problem would be fixed.

Are players salaries too high? Would you like a cap on your pay? What are the odds of becoming a professional baseball player at the Major League level? Supply and Demand! Do some stupid owners like our Texas own spend too much money on players, YES. Should other teams get etra money because George spends too much, NO!

So what is the simple solution? Can the Yankees get their huge tv and radio contracts by playing nobody? Just like tickets, radio and tv revenue should be split with the teams that play the broadcast game. And the ratios on tickets along with adding tv and radio should be modernized, maybe 60/40 split. Small market teams should force it through. If the Yankees don't want to play ball, just don't go to Yankee stadium and forfeit games. Broadcasters won't keep paying for nothing. If the Yanks then say they won't go to those teams that will hurt their record and post season chances, because the other teams will still be playing each other. But teams that do well, or are run well or spend money should not be penalized for that.

Oh and the other thing that would fix baseball, unfortunately possibly helping the owners, at least to save money (not that it will help fans) and lowering player salaries is Charley O. Finley's idea. Make all players free agents! Marvin Miller was a sharp cookie and understood supply and demand and did not want ALL players to be free agents but control the flow.So flood the market, I say, reward the teams who scout and develop young talentand negotiate a good contract, not artificially raised by a controlld market.

Now if more owners would be like the new Angels owner, cut prices on concessions, souveneirs and tickets prices, this grand ole game might experience a true revival!

Hypothetically, let's say tomorrow all MLB players agree to take an across the board 50% cut in pay. Will that mean 50% cheaper tickets, beer, parking, popcorn etc.? Not in your wildest, wettest dreams. EVERY additional penny would go right into the pockets of Kennesaw "Molehill" Selig & the rest of the owners.

That being the case, are you happier seeing the $$$ going to the guys who own the teams & do little more than open the gates & pocket your money? Or do you feel better with the $$$ going to the guys who actually play the game?
Anybody know what the current split between teams on tickets is? I don't believe it's a ratio but an actual amount, established a long time ago. Time to modernize! No comments on also splitting radio and tv broadcast revenue? Even the commie NFL splits revenue between all, would be better then current situation.

Voodoo, agree with you on where money would go, but is that wrong? If you invest a lot of capital, don't you expect a return. On the other hand, that is one way owners hide behind loosing money. They buy a team for 50 mil, loose 1-3 mil a year sell 10 years later for 150 mil. Did they loose money? Numbers are just example to prove point, please don't fixate on. Hey what about Angels new owner lowering prices? Do you think he will loose or make money? HINT: he's no dummy.

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The problem as I see it is that the supply and demand of the market (teams) is closed and controlled by mlb giving the Yankees the largest market. The supply and demand for the players is mostly open. The only way to solve the problem is for both sides to either be closed or open.

Before free agency the supply of players was closed and as a result most players had to get jobs in the off-season to feed their family.

Obviously totaly openning up the market and letting any team move to any city they want wouldn't work. The only solution other than controlling salaries is to balance the market better. If 25% of the population of the US is between Washington and Boston, then 25% of the teams should be in that area as well. To balance it out mlb would need to move 2 teams back to NY and 1 to Washington.

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