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Originally posted by zombywoof:
LOL..With 101 names left on that secret report, roids in baseball is here to stay for a long time.

Pandora's box has been opened, it's time to dump out it's contents and let the chips fall where they may. As parents we hide presents even after the "Santa conspiracy" is fleshed out by the kids. Why? because there's nothing worse than the tease of a present sitting in front of you that is off limits. Before long we start shaking the box, tearing off bits of paper to see the label, guessing the contents, being lied to by the gift giver, and when that magical day comes the unwrapping becomes anti-climatic and the gift loses it's intended "WOW factor" and many times sits in the closet unused.

I look at that "secret report" as a gift to the baseball fan.

Come on Santa Selig let me open my present. Quit teasing me and lets get it over with

btw- there are only 190 shopping days til Xmas Big Grin
Last edited by rz1
Originally posted by fsmjunior:
Simply put: I am sick of hearing about it.

Release the whole list or stop "leaking" names.

We know; a LOT of players took steroids. Move on!
I agree. Release every name ever caught. Give them amnesty. Make strict rules testing for everything. Warn the players. From that point forward suspend them for a season or more. Second offense: lifetime ban.
Originally posted by rz1:

Pandora's box has been opened, it's time to dump out it's contents and let the chips fall where they may. As parents we hide presents even after the "Santa conspiracy" is fleshed out by the kids. Why? because there's nothing worse than the tease of a present sitting in front of you that is off limits. Before long we start shaking the box, tearing off bits of paper to see the label, guessing the contents, being lied to by the gift giver, and when that magical day comes the unwrapping becomes anti-climatic and the gift loses it's intended "WOW factor" and many times sits in the closet unused.

I look at that "secret report" as a gift to the baseball fan.

Come on Santa Selig let me open my present. Quit teasing me and lets get it over with

btw- there are only 190 shopping days til Xmas Big Grin

Yeah..They seem to be content leaking these names out in drips and drabs with Selig Santa holding out.Big Grin They can't put the sh1T back in the donkey so they may as well get it over with and release all the names.
Last edited by zombywoof
Personally, I think it's up to the Players to own up to the fact that they used PED's.
Right or wrong, just say it and get it over with.
It should start with Arod, Manny, and whomever past or present.
Stand up and take it like a man.

You'll feel better when you take your medicine and and come clean.

And Bud still just doesn't get it.

It will go away a lot faster if they would do that, and man up.
Get it off your conscience, you will feel better about yourself.


Last edited by theEH

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