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I would love to see Sandberg back in the Cubbie pinstripes! It's a sentimental pick, without a doubt, but Ryno has paid his dues, starting out in A ball and working his way up. It's the right thing to do, but the Cubs GM, Hendry isn't a fan from what I've heard.
Brenly would be my 2nd choice and I can't believe someone hasn't given him a chance to manage again. He does have a ring and he knows the teams strengths and weaknesses, but that mono-tone voice makes my sleepy.
Nothing against Ryno but his team just lost the last game of the year needing to win it to get into the AAA playoffs. Rather than going after the manager whose team lost the last game of the season needing to win it to get into the AAA playoffs (how Cubbie like is that) how about pulling out all the stops to get the manager who won the last game of the World Series - Joe Girardi.

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