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My son is a freshman at a small d2 school. He got about 1/3 baseball & 1/3 academic sholarships. This is a pretty pricy private school and he has had to borrow the last 1/3 of the tuition. He is scheduled to meet with his coach at the end of the year to discuss how the year went. Son called last night with an interesting question. How does he, (or does he at all) bring up the topic of more baseball money. He has had a fantastic year so far. He won the starting catcher job, is 2nd highest for batting, slugging and obp. He also leads the team in stolen bases. His defense is very strong too. He thinks that he has proven his value. He was wondering if he could ask for more money so he could borrow less. Or does he wait for the coach to bring it up. What if he doesn't? I would think that if you don't ask, the coach would think the financial situation is acceptable and perhaps not offer any more. He is a quiet kid who doesn't like to make waves. He is not good at talking himself up to people. It is hard to get him even to admit to us that he is good (but very good at pointing out mistakes) I had no idea what to tell him. I figured someone here would know the answer. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I would have to agree with TRhit and wait to see what the coach offers, then bring it up if its not to your satisfaction. This is a good way to respectfully engage an adult in a serious conversation as part of his growing process. The worst thing that can happen is the coach will tell him some reason why he can't increase the money at this time. He will then probably keep that in mind for next year.
I agree that he needs to hear the coach out. I just was not sure about asking for more if not offered.

Sometimes I think the coach makes assumptions about peoples finances. He asked my son if we work, because we make most of his games. I thought that was a little odd, and that he was making a judgement, perhaps about this discussion he will be having with my son. For the record, yes we both work. I just happen to work close to his school. With 2 kids in college, we could use all the help we can get.

Thanks for your input. Now to help him figure out what to say............

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