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I think my son received his paperwork maybe late June, I know he was home from school for quite a while.  I would have to look it up at home. Even though the coach gave a verbal the ship was good for four years unless there would be a grade or behavior problem. It was comforting to see the new paperwork arrive in the mail.


If in doubt, have your son approach the coach and ask him.

"My daughter's coach tells everyone during exit interview when season is over.  He also tells every one if there is a change in their monies. "


There is a pretty good chance that happened with my son, but the information flow from his direction is on a need to know basis and he doesn't think his parents need to know a lot.


At his game on Saturday there was a parents tailgate lined up for after the games, everyone was to bring a dish, we found out in the second inning. Good thing Subway was close!

Short answer:  Must be notified by July 1st.


Longer answer:    Each player who had an athletic scholarship in the preceding academic year and who has remaining eligibility must be notified by the institution's financial aid authority of the amount of aid offered for the next year by July 1 following the season. However, the school may increase the award subsequently, Note that the notification can't come from the athletic department, so the piece of paper should have a signature from the financial aid authority.


Longest answer: See in both D1 or D2 Manuals.

Originally Posted by bballman:

My son goes to a D2 as well.  I don't know of any deadlines, but our experience was similar to CoachB25.  Our son was told on his exit interview and he just signed the papers while sitting there with the coach.

... and that is what our daughter did as well.  Then, called us to tell us she was good to go for the next year. 

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