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It seems that TRhit is the northeast expert. Maybe you could Private Message (PM) him and seek his advice. Private Message can be found in Personal Zone under the little "Go" bar at the top of the thread.

Or if you edit the title of your post to Scholarship - Northeast he may see it and respond.

IMO as long as this is the school you want to attend and you can afford the balance, any amount of baseball scholarship is fair to me.

From the movie "The Rookie" Jim Morrison says "You know what we get to do today, Brooks? We get to play baseball."
Scholarship amount is very much relative to the overall cost of attending school. For example:

School A has an overall cost of $15,000 per year (includes room and board but not books).

School B has an overall cost of $37,000 per year and also includes room and board.

School A is public, school B is private.

School A offers $1500 (or 10%)for your first year. This brings the overall cost to $13,500.

School B offers 25% for athletics plus another $8,000 in merit scholarships. This brings the cost of school B to $19,250.

Note that school A gave a smaller (less percentage) scholarship than school B but see how the bottom line is affected. School A runs about $16,000 less than School B per year.

In other words Scholarship %'s can be decieving. Look at bottom line costs instead.
I agree with both previous posters!

My son had 6 D-1 offers (all out-of-state) and he took the one with the lowest percentage offer.

He took it because it was where he felt most comfortable with the school and the program.

Ironically, because of a tuition reciprocity agreement with our state, it is only going to cost us about $8000/year for tuition,fees, housing, books, etc.

Needless to say, we were pleased with his decision.

Another way to look at it is:

D-1 has 11.7 scholarships to be distributed to 27 players. That means the average scholarship is 43.3%, with a minimum of 25%

D-2 has 9 scholarships divided by 27, which equals 33.3% average.

There are still some players on less than 25% on many college rosters that were grand-fathered(?), but starting this year, all offers must be at least 25%.

Best of Luck to your Son!
What is a fair scholarship offer for a pitcher being recruited by a d-2 school in the North East region?

Baseball for Ever,

Really doesn't make any difference what part of the country we are talking about in this case.

This is all based on ability for the most part. At least the baseball part of the scholarship. It is also based on the program. If you are a top DI recruit and the DII school wants you badly and thinks they can get you and has the money available... A fair offer would be 75% to 100%.

Then again, this doesn't happen very often. What is a fair offer is very much an individual thing! For the most part based on any other offers you might or might not have.

In other words, if it's the "only" offer... Whatever it might be... It's probably a very fair offer! Doesn't mean its the best option.
Last edited by PGStaff
Originally posted by BobbleheadDoll:
Git not all schools fund 11.7 scholarsips. Many players get no BB money so your average doesn't mean much in terms of what is typical. Pitchers have and always will get a lions share of the money. I have noticed coaches commention on the new rules and how they are affecting the recruiting.

I didn't mean it to be an average for each school, or every school! Obviously, if you know what is funded at the particular school, then it would apply.

Otherwise, it is only a starting point.

A couple of other things to consider in a scholarship offer from the financial side are:

1.academic assistance-does the program provide tutors? The academic load in the Spring, especially, can be tough on a kid, and if he needs assistance, it can be costly!

2. Equipment-uniforms,laundry, practice uniform, jackets,cleats, batting gloves, etc.
(at my son's new school, he was told all he needs to have is a fielder's glove, everything else is provided at no cost)

3.Travel-are meals, snacks paid for while on road trips?

4.Travel costs to come home for weekends, holidays, etc

Obviously, there are other financial and non-financial considerations, but the key is to not focus on just the %.
I know 1 & 2 are provided by every college. #3 is a no . Would be nice though.

I have never been able to find out how much a college funds except by rumour. Also scholarship disclosure by students is usually a big no no. Coaches specifacally warn players not the discuss their BB scholarships. I think the best criteria is can you afford to go to the college with what they are offering. The fair offer is the last one before the coach hangs up on you.
I have never been able to find out how much a college funds except by rumour. Also scholarship disclosure by students is usually a big no no. Coaches specifacally warn players not the discuss their BB scholarships.

Not to change the subject, but I'm glad you brought that up. On that (LIST) thread I mentioned something regarding companies who promote the fact that they have helped secure Millions (put in the $$$ figure) in scholarship dollars. We simply have no idea what number... in our case. I don't think anyone else could come up with an accurate figure either. However, I do know that many players and others do give out that info, though. It's the accuracy that becomes nearly impossible.
Originally posted by BobbleheadDoll:
I know 1 & 2 are provided by every college. #3 is a no . Would be nice though.

I have never been able to find out how much a college funds except by rumour. Also scholarship disclosure by students is usually a big no no. Coaches specifacally warn players not the discuss their BB scholarships. I think the best criteria is can you afford to go to the college with what they are offering. The fair offer is the last one before the coach hangs up on you.

Are you saying that road meals are not covered?
They sure used to be!

#4 was only as a consideration for overall cost and distance from school. Obviously. scholarships don't cover that!

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