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Originally posted by switchitter:
academy: thats way too cold for baseball. I must imagine that some of those kids are now sick from the weather and missing classes. That kind of weather usually postpones games but if it's a tournament, I'm finding out that college baseball just pushes ahead because of all the travel arrangements and cost so they go ahead and put the kids in peril in nasty weather like that. I wonder if they allow them to wear earmuffs instead of a hat?

I think that's overstating it a bit..."sick from weather"?, "peril"?

We spend half our HS season in Northern Illinois playing in conditions like that. It may not be ideal, but it's nowhere near "peril"

To end the weather discussion, let's just say it was cold and very uncomfortable.... probably way more for the parents/fans with old creaky bones, but was in no way dangerous or unplayable. We just rush to want to see baseball after so many weeks/months of winter, that we simply forget that early games are going to need a few extra layers.

cadKIDS all get mandatory flu shots, so other than a few sniffles, they'll live. They're a tough bunch of kids.


So, it's already been posted that Arizona lost to GA on Friday, but then the Cats came back and took Saturday and Sunday.

No stats or critiques from me. All I can say is that watching the games online with my son's older brothers was almost as fun as being there in person, which we will be this next weekend in Tucson.

And, rankings are overrated but WOOO HOOO! Go Cats!
Ok, I will calm down now. I will calm down now. I will calm down now!
Last edited by ktcosmos
Me, too, Dad 04!!!
I watched the last 4 innings...pretty crazy game. I thought it would have been closer. But this story on Jonathan Garret tells the story..He just had a fantastic night.

Bullwinkle, I have no idea what an avatar bet it anything like dominoes or "spoons"?

BTW, Tulane is now 5-0 Hopefully this Minneapolis trip will be good! Never heard of Dairy Queen it's cold up there...
BaseballMom: see that little photo under my name to the left…that’s an picture of me waving to you….in Land of Message Boards that picture is called an avatar.

Irvine plays Tulane March 7, 8 and 9 in New Orleans…

Ok….now here’s the bet….

If Tulane wins the series…..(first team to win two games) I will put this avatar under my name until the following Friday. (March 14th)

If Irvine wins the series, you must put this avatar under your name until the following Friday (March 14th)

All your prior posts will automatically (around 1200 for you) show this beloved Anteater until you may remove it on March 14th. The same goes for me…. if Tulane can sneak a series win vs Irvine.

No money involved only smirks and possible hygienic tribulations from wearing my avatar that has been worn by many, yet never washed.

So, baseballmom….how bout an avatar bet?

(to all of you interested parties out there the Land of Message Boards is west of Gondor and to the west of Arnor….incorrectly listed on most maps as Eridor)
Mn Mom: Who’s that?

Gotwood4sale: The crowd is cheering wildly for a celebrity walking the red carpet…

TRHit: Oh my goodness…it’s Bullwinkle J Moose wearing a skin tight red leather outfit….My, doesn’t he look great! You can tell he’s been working out at the gym...he’s shaking hands and working the crowd….that red leather is like butter…..

MnMom: Mr Moose….Mr. Moose…please would you say a word to your fans at high school baseball web?

Bullwinkle: Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Oops!...I did it again
I played with your heart,
got lost in the game
Oh baby, baby
Oops!...You think I'm in love
That I'm sent from above
I'm not that innocent

(Background dancers are TRHit and sizzlepop)

Bullwinkle: Baseballmom, being an oldtimer….I’m sure you know how to wear my avatar……it’s smells of Moose success……have fun till Friday!

PS: your next up sizzle!
Last edited by Bullwinkle
diddle iddle it
diddle iddle it
diddle iddle it

Wake up moose. You're drooling on my laptop, and you're getting my finger all wet.

Huh? Wha?

You must have dozed off again Winky. Here, have another delicious salt lick.

Wow...what a dream. I was dancing and people were cheering, and I was dressed up so nicely...

Let me be blunt. That was no dream Alces!
Last edited by spizzlepop
Can I have a "rain check" on our avatar bet?

Preston's father passed away very unexpectedly Fri night during the game. Coaches were with him after the Team meeting, when I unfortunately had to make that call. He was absolutely devastated, as was I, knowing that I couldn't be here with my daughter and there with Preston at the same time. But miracles do happen...After spending the night with his pitching Coach Sutter, his select team coach of many years, Kevin Hubbard, a man who has become his 2nd "dad", lovingly & selflessly, flew down to Tulane immediately. Kevin brought Preston home on Monday morning.
Michael will be buried, with full Military Honors, this afternoon at 4:00pm at Sparkman Hillcrest, here in Dallas.

I'm attaching a couple of links...
Baseball Drops Rubber Game of UC Irvine Series, 5-1

I'm counting on a re-match!
God bless our kids & our servicemen!
Last edited by baseballmom
Originally posted by baseballmom:
Can I have a "rain check" on our avatar bet?

Preston's father passed away very unexpectedly Fri night during the game. Coaches were with him after the Team meeting, when I unfortunately had to make that call. He was absolutely devastated, as was I, knowing that I couldn't be here with my daughter and there with Preston at the same time. But miracles do happen...After spending the night with his pitching Coach Sutter, his select team coach of many years, Kevin Hubbard, a man who has become his 2nd "dad", lovingly & selflessly, flew down to Tulane immediately. Kevin brought Preston home on Monday morning.
Michael will be buried, with full Military Honors, this afternoon at 4:00pm at Sparkman Hillcrest, here in Dallas.

I'm attaching a couple of links...
Baseball Drops Rubber Game of UC Irvine Series, 5-1

I'm counting on a re-match!
God bless our kids & our servicemen!

Oh my, this is devastatingly bad news. baseballmom (Paula), Preston and family - my very deepest sympathies. May God bless you.
a few years back, I posted about a baseball coach, father and friend I cared for so much, and the Dash.
After reading about Michael, I hope the Dash will provide just a little comfort in your time of suffering and loss.
For your husband and Preston's father, Michael, I hope you find pride, love, memories, reflections, and a bit of comfort in the Dash. It is clear it reflects Michael and the way he lived his life.

"THE DASH I read of a man who stood to speak
At a funeral of a friend.
He referred to the dates on her tombstone
From the the end.

He noted that first came her date of birth
And spoke the following date with tears,
But he said what mattered most of all
Was the dash between those years.

For that dash represents all the time
That she spent alive on earth...
And now only those who loved her
Know what that little line is worth.

For it matters not, how much we own
The cars...the house...the cash,
What matters most is how we live and love
And how we spend our dash.

So think about this long and hard...
Are there things you'd like to change?
For you never know how much time is left,
That can still be rearranged.

If we could just slow down enough
To consider what's true and real,
And always try to understand
The way other people feel.

And be less quick to anger,
And show appreciation more
And love the people in our lives
Like we've never loved before.

If we treat each other with respect,
And more often wear a smile...
Remembering that this special dash,
Might only last a little while.

So, when your eulogy's being read
With your life's actions to rehash...
Would you be proud of the things they say
About how we spend our dash?"
Last edited by infielddad

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