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High school games that are 7 innings long.
Scenerio #1: pitcher A is pitching in the top of the 5th with 2 outs. Game gets delayed and resumed the next day. Pitcher B picks up the game in the 5th with a 4-3 lead. He completes the game and the team wins 8-3. Who gets the win?

Scenerio 2: Pitcher 1 pitches 7 innings and the game is tied after 7. In the top of the 8th, pitcher 1's team scores 5. Pitcher 2 starts the bottom of the 8th after the team takes the lead and shuts out the opponent for a 5-0 win.  Who gets the win?
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Originally Posted by AGDAD19:
High school games that are 7 innings long.
Scenerio #1: pitcher A is pitching in the top of the 5th with 2 outs. Game gets delayed and resumed the next day. Pitcher B picks up the game in the 5th with a 4-3 lead. He completes the game and the team wins 8-3. Who gets the win?

Scenerio 2: Pitcher 1 pitches 7 innings and the game is tied after 7. In the top of the 8th, pitcher 1's team scores 5. Pitcher 2 starts the bottom of the 8th after the team takes the lead and shuts out the opponent for a 5-0 win.  Who gets the win?

Ooh...we umpires never get to use Rule 10, so I'm just doing this as a challenge:

B, because A cannot get the win. Either 1 or 2, depending on who was the pitcher of record at the time they took the lead (most likely 1, but could be 2 if the substitution was on offense.)

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