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I have plenty of video on Scott. I just need help posting them. Anyboody could help that would be super.

It all boils down to this. After an incredible amount of loyalty to someone who makes it impossible to be loyal to, Steve gave up on Paul due to his various obnoxious "personality traits", went out on his own, and quite simply beat the **** out of Paul at his own game. Public response for Steve was and continues to be overwhelmingly favorable. Public response for Paul was and continues to be that he's an a** hole and a lousy businessman.

Btw, Paul, I'm still waiting for my refund you owe me for my forum membership as well as the CD-ROM of v1.3.

Oh and "Matt" if you're out there... tell me your secret on contacting Paul. I sent 50-100 emails trying to purchase products, asking questions, lately requesting refunds, etc. and can't seem to get a response from him. the guy is a ******* nut job and liar!

Kind of like Ron Wolforth. He took it to market. The Connecticut Huckster didn't. Ron makes money and could care less if a poster mentions his name. I'm sure he appreciates it when it happens. But, I doubt if he berates those who don't.

The Connecticut Huckster is playing a game with his "customers". If you can call them that. He's not really interested in business. In fact, he is not at all interested in your son or daughters improvement. There is probably one, maybe two exceptions to that. Kids he's waiting on to make their he can use them. The smart money says this is a strong miscalculation on his part.

His "speed of distribution" is his hook. He's interested in control. And control only. And, he uses your money and therefore your "patience" (as you're waiting for his stuff) to "use" you. To play games with you. At times to berate you. At times to befriend you. But at all times to demonstrate his narcissism. All while you and your kid wait and wait and wait and wait. Pretty soon the "window" is closed. This man is unstable. Sick. Should be confined.

Anyone who orders anything from this guy should have their head examined.

He has lost control of his "stepford customers" (we escaped before the surgery) is pissed off because of it, and has quite frankly lost control of himself.

Ah, competition. That good ole "free enterprise" check and balance.

From one businessman to another, Steve, it's like stealing when your competition is an idiot.
Last edited by Bobby Cafrey

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