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How does scouting work? I am a mom so please don't scold me for 'knowing nothing about baseball' as my son often does but-Is there such a thing as 'freelance scouting?' I have been contacted by a person who has requested his schedule & says he does scouting for the Reds & several colleges. I know who the person is, he's also a former player- but I wondered how important people who scout for 'various' places are-
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Good question! I hope people don't get scolded on the HSBBW. Scouting is like a grapevine in that it has many tentacles. Usually the first to see talent is the scouts at the end of the grapevine or the "bird dog" as the previous poster indicated. He/She in turn will report to an area scout what he has seen and they go from there. Understand too that many in the "baseball game" (former players, coaches, showcase promoters etc) give information to different scouts and some are self proclaimed "scouts". Many of these people are very reputable while some lack creditability. The talented player draws all kind of interest and everyone talks about the talented player hoping to impress the scout with the talent they have "discovered". Scouting has many levels and is a "process" --- not a single event.
Just want to say thanks again to birdman14 for being helpful & to the others for responding. It's nice to find a place where people are nice, at my local forum it seems that there are always brawls breaking out between parents over which kid is best or who did what to whom...

I have posted there before (to deaf ears) that we come to boards like this for the same reason- we have kids who have loved the game since they were old enough to lift a bat. If everyone remembered that, there would be alot less hostility on baseball forums.

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