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To explain further...

A couple years ago we were in Florida and I happened to be standing next to a bunch of scouts.

A guy came up to ask something in a demanding way and explained that he was a scout with the Yankees. I could kind of tell he was not truthful and asked him who he worked for. He mentioned the Yankees Area Scouts name.

As luck would have it (his bad luck) one of the scouts I had been talking to was this same area scout. I said, you mean this guy right here? Also standing there was the Yankees Scouting Director.

The so called associate scout was a bit red faced and dumbfounded. The area scout told him not to do that anymore. I turned around to talk to the other guys and he just kind of faded into the sunset. We all got a little chuckle over what had just happened. There really are people out there trying to fool others.

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