Many of the questionaires ask about scouts that have seen you play?
I see what you are asking. I wouldn't invent one. If you know specifically of a scout that has seen him play, then list him, otherwise leave it blank. If you only know that a scout has attended an event your son attended then you don't know if he specifically saw him play.
None of this (whether you fill in the scouting blank or not) is going to be the deciding factor on his recruitment. The deciding factor is when a coach/scout/recruiter sees him and what he thinks after seeing him. Recruiting is talent plus exposure. Resume's, vouchers, stats, questionaires, recruiting video's, testimonials, etc, may get a coach's interest but they will not recruit him until they see him play. Since he is a junior, you will not know until after July 1st whether any of the scouts/recruiters from previous events will contact him. If you know some of them were at the event, and some of these same schools are of interest to your son, nothing is stopping you or him from contacting them now and asking what they think.