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I once saw a whole team eating their Jim Beam seeds during the game. Half the team was running to third instead of first. The funniest thing was when a fly ball was hit to center. The bases were loaded and each person went to tag up. the problem was they all run to opposite base. Third went to second, second to first and first to home. Never saw anything like it before.
You need to be careful about what you say in this thread.

Someone may hear you express your thoughts on it or even may not read your whole post and jump on what you wrote or even part of what you wrote if they don't read it all.

It's pretty funny how people who may be business executives, Airline Pilots and other careers that require the ability to listen or understand set it aside when it comes to baseball conversation.

So to all you posters, be concise and to the point you never know if the person ready to jump on you is reading the whole post. And to all who respond to posts, make sure you read the whole thing first...the poster probably said they like your favorite SEEDS, but they like another better. It doesn't mean your SEEDS aren't good.

You know, this isn't a bad idea at the ballpark either when listening in on conversations between people. You probably missed part of the conversation that may have left you with another impression.

So even if you are a smart guy.....CEO, Airline Pilot, etc.....listen better and maybe you'll agree that no SEEDS are perfect and the poster probably never said they were.
Originally posted by Carl Tex:
Ok. It is me. Carl Tex. And I am telling you, now for to listen closely... That Pepe's 2 Day Old Burrito-flavored seeds are muy bueno!. Mmmmmm Mmmmmmm. But they do tend to make me, how do you say... gassy. (BBrrrrpppppp) Oh, excusa mi.

Carl my old friend, why have you stayed away so long? The baseball world needs your insight, thoughtfullness and humor more regularly.

Alabama is a wasteland...stay around, my friend.

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