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What is your recollection as to when sunflower seeds became associated with baseball? What did you "chew" growing up? I was never a tobacco or dip man -- but we had a huge pail of Bazooka Joe! Smile There are tales of tobacco/gum or gum/seed "mixtures" *cough*

This thread is just for fun -- many of my baseball friends have funny chew stories.

On the serious side, I am somewhat alarmed at the popularity of smokeless tabacco --- at early ages! PantherSon1 struggled with the habit during his playing days, but was able to kick it before his wedding in 2004.....his wife deserves much of the credit.
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It amazes me as well as to how many HS kids dip. It's almost like at some schools, if you don't, you're an idiot. I think it's the other way around personally!

All of the area high schools have signs that say "tobacco free zone", but I guess dip doesn't count.

These kids don't know or don't care I guess that the habit is very hard to break. I can't stand it when they show an MLB guy on TV and it looks like he's got 5 pieces of gum in his bottom lip. Some guys can't even talk when they are dipping from so much in their lip.

I'm done.
Last edited by Old Pitcher
Splitter Son was at a baseball event this weekend. Of the 20 kids on his bench 18 had smokeless tobacco in their bag, their gums or borrowed some. These were Jr. and Sr. young men. Splitter Son took quite a bit of ribbing for having never tried it. I can't imagine when this became so popular, but it is a scary trend.

Isn't it sold like cigerettes? What about those "No tobacco" signs? Is the product labeled "tobacco?"
Hubby kicked his 1-2can a day Copenhagen habit coming up on 5 years now. An evil old neighbor man got him hooked when he was about 12 or 13 years old. He fought that addiction for so long, and it took a cancer scare and a 4th baby on the way, to make him get serious about quitting. He stopped cold turkey and never touched it again.

The specialists he saw said that if you dip snuff long enough the chance of it getting you is 100%. They also said that it is more addictive than a lot of illegal drugs and harder to kick. Nothing to fool around with, and one of the most disgusting things ever. Blech!

If either of our boys ever started dipping snuff, the tobacco health risks would be minimal compared to the risk of bodily harm from their Daddy!

Oh, and he is a total baseball season seed addict now. Whines all the time about the sores in his mouth from chowing down all that salt. Once an addict always an addict I guess.
Last edited by 2010-15-20
as a player in highschool it becomes very popular when you are entering your sophmore year. Most kids that I know were askd if they wanted to try by a senior and they did just so that they could be "cool" with the seniors. But the problem with it is after a couple times they really enjoy what it does. This is were the problem happens in the he starts then he gets other kids to start and it gets bad. And as another its near impossible to quit cold turkey. But then again its part of the game that has made it America's past time. Go play catch and put a little dip in.
Hubby kicked his 1-2can a day Copenhagen habit coming up on 5 years now. An evil old neighbor man got him hooked when he was about 12 or 13 years old. He fought that addiction for so long, and it took a cancer scare and a 4th baby on the way, to make him get serious about quitting. He stopped cold turkey and never touched it again.

The specialists he saw said that if you dip snuff long enough the chance of it getting you is 100%. They also said that it is more addictive than a lot of illegal drugs and harder to kick. Nothing to fool around with, and one of the most disgusting things ever. Blech!

If either of our boys ever started dipping snuff, the tobacco health risks would be minimal compared to the risk of bodily harm from their Daddy!

An excellent point 2010 et al.

Sometimes seems to accepted in high school and not discouraged by coaches from an era where is was very prevalent.

I have seen the college umps enforce the no tobacco rule.

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