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Gulp... Good Question! He seems to be calm, cool and collected. Then again, I KNOW he must be nervous. I could see it last night. I guess my question is... if he pitches well, it will be a really great GREAT night. If he doesn't (and with the opener, no idea if he will?) then, the write ups and all the mentions of 'keep your eye on this guy' well, he will be trashed.

Nothing new I know. Seems to be different now. I really thought this year would be relaxed and fun, after committing last year, but... little did I know. I'm just as hyped up now, as last year.

Are you more concerned that it is your seniors last first game or that he will bomb out and it will not look good?

I understand the anxiety, but put it all aside and try to ENJOY his last year, regardless of the "write ups" and how well he does or doesn't do this season.

Advice, yeah, go to some of the threads started today and see that in GA it was a really tragic day. Might put things in perspective for you.

Sorry, but this was not a good day, IMO. My son is going to pitch a big game tomorrow, just like yours, but the "write ups" mean nothing. If he does well, then fine, if not, there's always next week. You got to learn to live with it.
Last edited by TPM
the write ups and all the mentions of 'keep your eye on this guy' well, he will be trashed.

One game does not make a season. Enjoy this last year regardless of what "they" say or write, because he is not their son. You don't need to read a paper to know yur son is a success

Remember there is a whole dugout of guys on your sons team, most of them may not have the opportunities your son will have. This is a good time to take off the "I" glasses and enjoy the last year of his High School TEAM. When all is said and done your son will look back on this not as his last HS year but rather the last year of his HS team.
Last edited by rz1
Every pitcher that has ever taken the mound has had good games and bad games. No one outing defines a pitcher.

Best wishes for your son in his outing. I'm sure he has the mental toughness to have a great season regardless of what happens in any one game.

Just sit back, take deep breaths and enjoy watching your son.
Good Luck to all the seniors this year. I know it is anxious times for the players and certainly the parents. It goes by very quick. Last year was our son's senior season, and it went by way too quickly for me anyway. Enjoy the ride. Good and Bad. Love every minute of it, and support your son's through this season. Take care.
First of all, I understand why you are nervous for your sons first game this year as I am a pitchers mom. Second of all, I don't believe most of us have the "I" glasses on, however, my questions is, why does a "Pitcher" get the wins or losses when it is a "Team" sport. Thirdly, I am so sorry for the families involved in the Georgia tragedy. I am sending my prayers from Oregon and wish there is something I could do from here.
Thanks rz1. It just seems silly to me that so much of the wins or losses are put on the pitcher. My son played a game this last summer which went 8 innings. We lost 2 to 1. My opinion if you score one run you probably aren't going to win but the radio announcer said that had he not walked (1 walk in 8 innings) we would have probably won. We stranded 13 runners in the game. Oh well. The announcer played s****r.
rz and TPM both have made excellent points and offered you good advice hitbombs.

With that said it indeed has been a very heavy day here on the HSBBW.

The topic of this thread reminded me that our family has been down in the dumps because our HS senior is recovering from not one, but two surgeries.

The first, in September, was to repair his labrum...we were hopeful that his rehab would be done just in time to start the season. The second, done Monday, was to repair torn cartilage in his wrist that we didn't know was torn by the pitch that also broke the two wrist bones last June. This has delayed the rehab on his shoulder. His shoulder rehab will have to be completed after the wrist is completely healed and rehabbed.

His senior season, as it turns out, was terminated at the very end of June...we just didn't realize it at the time. As a result, all we have is a lost senior season, no pleasant memories, no lively chatter with other parents, and plenty of concern about his opportunity to play in college. He has also lost the camaraderie of his teammates--his baseball family--that he's been playing with for so many years. And the senior monogram dinner.

On top of that, our son, a sophomore college baseball player has been told that he can not play this season...strained ulnar collateral ligament or UCL, and surgery is a possibility. It's sad, but absolutely necessary to shut down.

For the first season in 15 years, we do not have either of our boys playing baseball. Fortunately we have two daughters active on their softball travel teams. But it is not baseball.

Through it all, and especially considering the tragic events over the course of the past week, we do count our blessings.

Our sons substantially have their health and their setbacks are really quite minor when judged against what others face...including our brave servicemen and servicewomen serving us in harms way around the world.

Do we wish our situation was better...certainly. It has been humbling and we all know we will be stronger for having been challenged.

"Play everyday as if it were your last. For someday it will be."
Last edited by gotwood4sale

Sorry to hear about your sons. It's great you keep it in proper perspective but nonetheless I hope they get their chance to play ball again.

The last baseball game I ever played I laid on the field with a broken wrist. I remember it like yesterday.

God Speed, and I hope they recover soon.
Woodman, my heart goes out to you and your family. Sounds like you all are being strong but it has to hurt. I pray with everything in me that things turn out right whatever that might be. I have got to believe the hardest part is that your sons are or maybe be disconnected from the best part of baseball – TEAMMATES. I was about to post the following before I read your post. Players and Parents – lets enjoy every moment.

Learning from my Son

I get so nervous every time my son gets to bat or he needs to make a play. I agree with TPM that we parents have to just chill out and enjoy the game. My son is only a soph but he doesn’t drive yet so we get that time together. Once he can drive I’m not sure if I will ever see him again. But I will tell you one thing, it is the highlight of my day/week/month/year when I can watch him play and think back to the days when I hit balls to him and actually could catch him – he throws to hard for that now a days.

I was really impressed tonight. Lost a tough game by 1 run. My son batted well but was 0 for 3 but reached on a hard hit error. I expected him to be real down but he came out real upbeat. He told me the team is really coming together and how certain players came up with big hits/plays. No jealousy – it truly was about the team. In speaking with some of the parents, they definitely had a different agenda.

Signing off from way down the first base line!!!!!!!

Congrats on the senior year! I think I know what you are baby is growing up and this is the end of an era.

At this point in his baseball career, whether this is the end, or just the beginning, it is no longer about you or for you. He'll do what he does whether you are there or not, and how he does is not a reflection on you.

I hurt, for them, when mine don't do well, I am proud, for them, when they do.

TPM's quote says alot:

If he does well, then fine, if not, there's always next week. You got to learn to live with it.
Mr Woodsman,..consider me a " tree hugger " today!

Hitbombs,...its normal to be nervous and to worry.
Its normal to worry about outcomes. The problem that arises is when that same worry consumes us. This can cause us to miss out on the true experience, be it good or bad, as it happens.
Each moment is important and precious. It all happens for a reason.
If we were only born to know how to naturally watch this game with patience and ease.
A not so easy task, indeed.

Enjoy your season!!!!! I wish your son the very best!!!!!!
Last edited by shortstopmom
We have already experienced the last first high school game with son pitching. We have played 10 games already and they are just going too fast! Having been nervous, anxious and every other emotion the past few years, I can say that this season has been relaxing and calm. Enjoy watching your son and his teammates and indulge in the comaraderie of the fans and parents. As I told our parents, I intend to be worse this year (meaning louder than usual, dancing and singing to every song at every stadium, more practical jokes in the stands and taking in all there is) for it is our last season to be together. We have been together for four years and I will deeply miss so many parents and players.

My thoughts and prayers go out to those who have lost a loved one and to those who face adversity.

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