junior05, hopefully bulldog19 will post and provide much more specific and precise information.
Thanks infielddad for the shout-out!
I think MTH has it right. There is no such thing as the "perfect recovery" or even a "typical recovery." With that said, it's difficult for me to go into much detail since you're not standing here in front of me.
I did see a kid back in November months after his labral repair. He was a baseball player/wrestler who had surgery in April/May and then did a full bout of physical therapy with our staff. But within the first week of wrestling, he started having pain and ended up going back to the orthopedic surgeon. He re-started PT for shoulder strengthening, but I don't know where he's at now.
I had a conversation a few weeks ago with a colleague of mine about shoulders and elbows. To a large degree, the rehabilitation of them are fairly similar especially if we're going to talk about a baseball player. You are going to have some differences due to the variety of muscles present, but the motion of throwing is so complex that looking it as a "shoulder injury" or an "elbow injury" just sets us up for trouble.
I don't want to step on the PT's toes, but my suggestion is to ask about the elbow and the opposite hip. Maybe that individual has already addressed those two places and maybe they have addressed other places. Or maybe they have restricted themselves to your post-op shoulder only.
Junior5, feel free to contact me via PM if you have specific questions and I'll try to answer them as best as I can..