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This took place last week in south central Pennsylvania during a JV high school game. My son comes to bat with base runners on 1st and 2nd and one out. My son swings a Marucci Black 33inch BBCOR bat. He proceeds to hit a soft line drive to left field that drops safely for a hit. Runners go halfway on contact and both advance. So we have the base loaded and one out. The opposing JV coach call's time and accuses my son of using an illegal bat — he tells the umpires that the Marucci Black 33inch was recently banned for PIAA play - decertified he claimed.

The two umpires retrieve the bat, call both coaches together and rule my son out and nullify his hit for using a decertified BBCOR bat. Now we have runners on 2nd and 3rd and two outs. Our coach knew all Marucci Black BBCOR bats are legal and asks for written proof that the bat was decertified from the both the umpires and the opposing coach. Our coach even takes out his I-Phone and shows the umpires a picture of the decertified Marucci Cat 5 BBCOR and explains the difference between the bats.

The opposing coach had no written proof the bat was decertified and neither of the two umpires carried a list of decertified bats. My thought at the time was was you got to be kidding? Our coach tried one more time to explain to both the game umpires and the opposing coach that the 33inch Marucci CAT5 BBCOR was ruled decertified not the 33inch Marucci Black BBCOR my son was using. Fell on deaf ears… their decision stood. Next batter was retired …inning over.

The next day after an exchange of cordial emails, the PIAA Baseball Rules Administration -Marty Ondrovic confirmed (what we already knew) the Marucci Black BBCOR is legal and the runner should have been safe. There are only two decertified BBCOR bats, how hard is it for the umpires to carry a picture and description for both? Shame on the opposing coach and umpires for their actions.
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Not that I know off? This drama lasted a good 10 mins. Our coach to his credit stayed calm through out. We had a 3-2 lead at the time and he did a good job keeping the team focused on what they needed to do on the field.

Coach made some calls after the game and sent out an email to all the players and parents that he was assured the bat was legal. Not sure who he talked too. But glad he did. I slept a little better that night after I read his email. Marty's official PIAA email came the next day.
Hind sight being what it is, and not making an excuse for the umpire, a preventative measure of discussing this at the plate meeting might have avoided the matter. Hopefully the coach is doing that in future games. As an aside, are you claiming the runners were allowed to advance and were not not sent back? That would be mistake #2, The head coach should have also been restricted to the bench as well. Sounds like a real clown act.
To head off just this exact issue I prepared a PowerPoint slide showing the exact bats that were decertified. Doesn't mean my guys listened or even attended that meeting. But the info was sent out to the chapter rules interpreters to teach the locals.

I don't put any blame on the opposing coach at all. He was within his rights to ask for a ruling on the bat. But it's up to us to give the right one.

I'm sure Marty blew a gasket when he heard this one.
Navy Ump

Yes, the base runners on 2nd and 3rd were not moved. After, a brief conference at home plate with both umpires and both coaches, the coaches were asked to step away. The umpires looked over the bat at home plate some more and talked among themselves. One umpires walked over to 1st base and called the runner out. My son was confused about what was going on but returned to the bench in shock. The next 8 mins. consisted of our coach calmly asking the umpires to explain to him on what basis was the Marucci Black 33inch BBCOR declared illegal? He also politely asked for a memo or something in writing from the PIAA to verify the Marucci Black 33inch BBCOR was recently ruled illegal. The home plate umpire said only; that he had made his decision and to play ball. Runners never returned to original bases. Next batter struck out. Inning over. It was really shocking. Beyond belief. Our coach kept his cool, gathered the team together and told them to focus on the game. We won 3-2.

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