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Alright I have tested out my idea and have found that it will work for what we need and we have up to 15 gb of space to fill. So we don't have to worry about running out of space.

This is how it will work. I guess we can stick with the original requirements.

If you are interested in joining the group follow these easy steps in being a part of this community. Step 1: Send an email to containing at least 2 documents for posting on the website more if you got it. Once this has been done an email will be sent back to you as soon as i can giving you a a link and password for this site. Once you have your user account and your personal password you can access all locked material on this site.

We are using a file sharing site similar to DropBox to make his happen.
Sounds good.

We can test it and see what everyone thinks. I still have free hosting if we want it to be closer to other site. If we like the "dropbox" method I'm good, if we would like to go the other route, I'm good too. We have unlimited storage on the hosting place I'm working on.

I'm open for anything that's easy for everyone!

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