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Many of us coach's have been trying to figure out an idea for sharing this information and it has been mostly hit or miss with emails. I thought of an idea, ran it by a couple of you guys, and have decided to run with it. I have created a FREE website, Baseball Theories is a website that allows you email in baseball material for upload as well as download materials that other have left. If you are interested in accessing this site please follow these easy steps in being a part of this community. Step 1: Send an email to containing at least 2 documents for posting on the website. Once this has been done an email will be sent back to you within 24 hours giving you a personal password for this site. Step 2: Sign up through league lineup to get a user account. Once you have your user account and your personal password you can access all locked material on this site. Please remember that when you email me your documents I can not post anything that has a copyright symbol on the document. This website just went up yesterday and I hope a lot of great minds from this site get involved and it is successful.
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A big thank you to K Complex. He has been added to the community just for helping out the PDF problem. Please see below for submitting information to the site.

The PDF files I have received are taking up to much space on the site have and are being pulled off. All pdf files are being sent to be converted. Once this is done they will be reposted. For those that have sent PDF this does not affect your status. For those that have PDF files they will not be accepted. Please do to to convert them and then email them to me. Thank you.
Guys, I know this maybe digging up something that may not work, but I was wondering if anyone still had access the the Baseball Theories website. I tried to gain access but have heard nothing in forever. I know this thread is way old. It just seems like something that would be so helpful to new coaches and veterans alike.

If anyone has any idea on how to get a hold of socalhscoach or anyone associated with the website let me know. I think in my spare time (what spare time) I would like to try to get it back up and running or at least try to help get it rolling again. I know I have received great ideas and information from many on this site and I think something like the baseball theories website would be a great extension of this website.

If you have any info let me know and we'll see what happens.
I'm willing to try and update what is there if I can get to the information. By looking at the board and the site (as much as I can see without the password) I know there is a ton of stuff on the site that people have submitted and I hate to lose it. If I can get permission and/or the password I'm ok with downloading the info and starting it over or sort of taking the current site over if if can get access. If anyone has a password and I can get started.
After I read this new link and went back through it I was pretty sure I thought I knew who So Cal was. Let me step in and give some clarity to the situation. I do know the real "SO CAL" and the guy that was on here stating that he was, was not. SO CAL had hired a young assistant coach that began using his name behind some things in order for him to gain, in eyes, credibility. He got way in over his head and in some cases he did some things that were unethical. So Cal kind of stumbled over some things by accident that never added up. When the guy starting saying everything he had done it was pretty sad.

BP...I might be able to secure the information you need to get into this website if you are seriously interested in it.
I'm moving in the right direction. One of the main problems I see with the current setup is the limited file space (I think it is like 50 or 75 MB). Which if this thing takes off like I think it can will not be sufficient in the long run.

I'm in the process of setting up a website and working to find a host for this deal if I can. Give me another few days or so and I should have a great idea on the route I can go.

Hang with me guys!

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