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Originally posted by Fungo:
I didn’t think anyone would see this as too risque...I felt it had some relevance to the subject of girls/baseball/sports/and reporters. Fungo

Yeah it was my 1st post, tho I've been following this site for 4 months now. You lost whatever respect I had developed for you in that time. No one said the *** were "risque", just inappropriate for this site. There are plenty of other sites on the internet if you wanna show such "features". You thought they had "relevance"? Give me a break! In other words, how girls LOOK is important in the discussion of whether they should play different sports or not. Rubbish. You got caught, but I guess the moderator was asleep. I'm beginning to believe what Sacto BB says regarding cronyism on this site. Seems you can post whatever you want (relevant or not) as long as you're a donor or old timer.
Lighten up VASportsmom. If you lost respect for Fungo for that, you must not have much respect for many people anyway. It was done in good light hearted fun. If your feelings get hurt that easily you might want to wait another four months before you post again. God help you if TEACHERMAN gets on you. Or whatever name he is posted with these days.
This topic is very interesting to me personally.

As the Mom of 19 yo male college baseball athlete and an 18 yo, female ,soon to be college volleyball athlete, I have to agree with Coach May agree

My son is 6'1", about 175 pounds and throws consistantly about 86-88, touching 90 on a regular basis.

My daughter is 5'11 and I would never give her weight (mom's understand Smilebut she is a size 6-8, so you get the picture!

I have seen, in my own backyard, the boys vs the girls..... there is a genetic difference- most boys are just simply stronger!

Do I want a bunch of guys looking for a college scholarship to come and walk on to my daughter's team? No Way

What good is competition if you can't compete against like skill and God given attributes!

BTW- my baseball player son is dating a college s****r player- he freely admits that she can "leave him in the dust" after an extended run! Does that mean the sports should be mixed gender wise- sorry, from here the opinion is NO!
Women should not play baseball. Women should not play softball. It's a joke to watch them play either game. Who wants to watch girls play on the same field that 10yo play using the same rules.
No college coach would give a male pitcher throwing 70mph even a chance.

But, if a coach chooses to put a female player on the team the scholarship should come from the softball team. There is no way she should take a scholarship from a male athlete. And I dont even think she can since men's baseball gets 11.7 for male players not female.
I understand your frustration with Fungo, but I have to tell you, he is the last person on this website that would ever post anything that would be an insult to anyone. I understand why he did it. I want my son's mind on the GAME.

I have always believed that a woman can do whatever a man can do, better. With the breakthrough with woman becoming more competitive in a man's sports world, I am enjoying more tennis,golf, more horse races and even nascar. I eagerly await the day they will allow woman to play in the Master's. That is just too old school for me!

However, when it comes to contact sports, I have to draw the line. Backdash, brings up a good point, the first time a woman is plowed down running the bases, the situation would not be treated the same. This is for basketball, baseball, football, s o c c e r and wrestling.

Question was, should girls be allowed to compete, of course! But let's get real here.
Football may be a big issue - but the fact still remains - mens programs ARE cut to give womens programs more money.

With that being mandated then there is NO WAY a woman should be allowed to take scholarship money from a mens program without a man being allowed to do the same.

Was she (with her 70 fast ball) the very best pitcher who applied at that school? I guess it's possible, but more than likely this is not only a publicity stunt, but also a slap in the face to a bunch of young men who were NOT offered scholarships by that coach.
Last edited by AParent
At my HS we have one of the best softball programs in the state. They have won 6 state titles since 1990. I go down every once in awhile and watch some of their games when we play at 7pm and they start early. I admire those young ladies. They work hard during the season and during the off season as well. They are fierce competitors and they are extremely talented as well. They love softball and work at their sport just as hard if not harder than alot of the baseball players. I respect them greatly and admire their dedication. I would be upset if a male was given the opportunity to take a spot from one of these girls. I think its a shame and a sham that a female is allowed to take innings and a roster spot from a young man on a baseball team. Somewhere there is a young man that would give anything to play at the college level that is not because some coach decided to be a clown and put a female on the hill for his team throwing 70. The whole thing stinks and is a joke. Every inning she gets is an inning that a more deserving kid does not get. How is that right?
I've been away from the computer for a couple days, and it has been a while since I read the story about this female baseball player. I recall the mention of a scholarship, but I don't recall the article stating that she received one. It certainly didn't mention that any men players were cut......and if they were then they probably were not as talented as the female pitcher.

Those of you who say it is a publicity stunt, that is your don't really know. I believe the coach just wanted to give this girl the opportunity to achieve her that must be a terrible thing for a coach to do, right??

And as for the question of why can't men play on women's teams......if that happened then there would be no more opportunities for women, as men would dominate women's sports. Isn't that apparent?

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