‘I always keep an open mind and work on learning all I can”
When your head stops rolling around then this will be believed.
“Your positions are, in fact, only your opinion based on your baseball experiences.”
In fact they are based on sound sports physiological training tenets no matter what the sport and then applied to baseball and that’s all I was giving, you made it bigger than it was
“While you are entitled to them, they do not make you the final authority on sports training in baseball”
I realize I am not entitled to my own facts but I try to stick to actual know sports physiological facts. This is wholly lacking in the established baseball training techniques and timelines of today.
“You also launch them from one of the most condescending and cynical perches imaginable”
Sometimes the truth hurts especially when dealing with pitching injuries, I apologize if anything I say that is opposite what you believe and hurts in anyway, just let me know when I cross this line and I will try to put it in a more politically correct manor for you, sorry.
“:It doesn't make you seem more intelligent, it just makes you appear pompous:”
This is not what I want but how else do you say that training is disrupted by trying to compete when you should be training? I’m not to good at beating around the bush and my intent is not to look intelligent here, I’m not the one selling something.
”The baseball establishment is filled with knowledgeable sports medicine staffs who utilize state-of-the-art training methods and procedures to maintain and advance the health of their pitchers. I trust them.”
I used to trust them with their general and non “sport specific” training techniques but they have had their chance and have failed, it’s time to make a positive change to actual exacting physiological tenets that work.
“Good luck training your guys”
No luck necessary now, we have a much better handle on it!
Thanx for the encouragement, it’s an uphill battle
”I actually disagree with some of what you write, but I’ve seen you in action at the Pitching Forum and I’m a bit frightened by your extreme knowledge”
I do not want or expect you to be frightened by or lower yourself to making absolute condescending insults as the subliminal statement “extreme knowledge” as you have always discussed with others on a respectful basis in the past.
”So you know more than college coaches including some that are considered legends in the game?”
I have great respect for all coaches at all levels whether they proceed correctly or not and believe the College coaches do a 10 fold better job than professional coaches and realize most of them are properly credentialed
“And you know more about this than the MLB organizations?”
These questions and all the previous ones have not addressed what I was even talking about, why the dance? MLB organizations do very little in the way of mechanical diagnosis or training and you know this, I think?
”Without knowing for sure, I would bet you my right arm”
Nobody has questioned your knowledge only your proceedings, there is no knowledge competition going on here, BTW, Dr.Richand Kimble is now looking for you.
”About me you said”
Don’t get all touchy feely, you interjected yourself here, I am hoping to stick around, we will see, I was talking about the situation that exists at all these boards when someone important has their feeling hurt by the truth.
“ I would never want someone censored simply because they didn’t agree with what I say.”
This would not be your decision now would it?
“I’ve said here very many times that I have been wrong and do make mistakes.”
I have never questioned you ethics and respect you very much as I have read you many times and enjoy every one of them.
“How about you, you ever been wrong?”
Did you not read where I admitted to being wrong when I followed the established dogma in my past?
“I have been wanting to correct you on many falsities”
I have never commented on some of your wrong headed mechanical beliefs in the past, would you like me to start? I think not?
“There have been people (competitors) come on here to try and discredit us, if that is what you mean.”
Absolutely not, you guys do a great job, all was talking about is what you have not still yet addressed
‘Yes, so why in the heck do these college coaches come to these events looking for players.”
Again your events are fine for the upper middle class and above, it is your I’ll timing that is bothersome and you seem to not understand this by your silence on my actual complaint.
“Then after several comments regarding mechanics which still have not been well received here and very much unproven at the highest level”
These tenets have been proven at all levels but then you must say what the people want to hear by taking this stand, understandable. Then you would have had to notice them?
I have had hundreds of kids go through your process and even been rated at the top, you were totally oblivious to the differences in them.
“Well Lon, Had we done that Carl Crawford might be playing in the NFL”
For this I have to commend you, this Marshallized trainer lost Mark Sanches in the same manor.
“ Jameson Tallion would have had to wait another year to be so well known nationally. Thousands of draft picks and college scholarships might have been different”
This is your weakest argument about kids whom would have found their place but then again I’m NOT against what you do only your timing.
” But I learned a long time ago, that those who think they know everything are the ones who have the most to learn.”
So. You are telling someone who did it your way for 30 years then learned he was in error by learning new knowledge that he has not learned, catch my drift? I am in the extreme in the quote you so fondly quip!
“I seriously doubt that you are that person! BTW, the one thing that counts the most? RESULTS!”
I am not here or care less for your opinion of me, I am here so parents of and or youth pitchers have a chance to make a informed choices so that their RESULTS lead them to healthy and correct advancement.
Can you please now talk about the concerns I registered? Since you are so much more knowledgeable than me please tell me how you missed the fact that these athletes training is negatively effected by attending your events during this time period? Or have I missed something and you actually have a questioner asking the athletes where they are at in their training regimens so you can weigh this against their performance?