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Hello. I did not make my Freshmen baseball team so I was wondering if I should be a manager? I would get to practice with the team and it might help me make the JV team next year. The only thing that I don't like about being a manager is because the position sounds a little demeaning. what should I do?
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If you can also play some rec ball it is probably a very good idea. It may feel a bit demeaning as well as sound it at times but you'll really be showing the coach that you have the desire it takes. Practicing with a HS team if it has well organized practices is probably almost as important as playing in the games for your development.

If the coach has offered you this chance he probably sees something he likes in you. Go for it.

One word of caution, once you commit to doing the job you are going to have to follow through and do it even if it doesn't live up to your expectations. If you stick it out and do a good job you'll have accomplished something important regardless of how it affects your baseball career.
Last edited by CADad
This one is entirely up to you and how much you want to play HS baseball and how "close" you think you really are to making the team next year.

One thing for sure - the single most important thing you can do to get better is to practice - a lot. You will find no better way to practice than with your HS team 2+ hours per day 6 days a week. You will not get this in rec. ball, travel ball, anywhere.

If you do take the position I would make sure the coach is committed to giving you the same reps as everyone else on the team. As CAdad suggested – once you commit complete the season regardless how you feel.
We had a young man in our school who didn't make the team. Unfortunately, he had some other bad things happen in his life. I went to him and asked him if he wanted to be a manager. He reluctently said he did. Long story short, our team was there for him when his world really fell apart. (Can't explain.) I asked him this weekend if he was glad he became a manager. He's now the manager of both the baseball and basketball programs. Not only is he happy but he feels he now knows so much about the game that he can someday be a coach. That's now his goal. I bet he's a very good one!
ro1249, Take that position if it is offered to you, be a part of the team and keep working on your skills. So many players give up if they are cut after their freshman year of high school. Do not give up on playing high school baseball because one coach does not see your potential. I’m sure there are many stories by members of this site that have seen players cut their Freshmen year and end up as a starter when they are Seniors in high school. Just keep working and a year from now you will be posting that you have made the team.

Good Luck…

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