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Advice sought from those who know more about this game.


My son (2015) attended a prospect camp at a quality D1 program.  Got really good feed back. In particular, the head coach wrote to us to tell us how much he enjoyed having our guy at the camp.  The recruiting coordinator, who did the video analysis and evaluation,  wrote to us with his written evaluation, that they really enjoyed watching him out there, with very detailed positive comments.  He concluded the analysis by saying "We don't want this to be our last contact with you.  If you have any questions, please write or call" -- then gave us his e-mail and phone #.   Then a few days later, they contacted the HS coach who told us that he had a "very positive conversation" with them.


That was all about a month ago.  Wondering if we should sit and wait to hear more or if we should find some excuse to write to them.  Unfortunately, my guy hasn't been seeing much action lately, so we ca't really give them a performance update.  We could, I suppose, mention his summer plans.   But I'm not sure if the next move is just to sit and wait and see if anything more develops. 

Last edited by SluggerDad
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Originally Posted by justbaseball:

Have your son write a nice cover letter/email, referring to meeting them at the camp and why he is interested in the school and include/attach a summer schedule and invite them to come watch him play.


Good luck!

This sounds like a good idea.  Feels less "aggressive" or assertive than calling.  Not sure the kid would be comfortable calling -- he's pretty deferential and unassertive with adults (at least those who are not his parents, with us the deference is off). 

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