Pitchers should definitely be on a S&C program.
Stick with free weights. Do Compound movements such as Hang Clean, Hang Snatch, Deadlift, Push Press, and Squats...stay away from bench press and do alot of med ball, hurdles, and shoulder pre/hab work.
Pitchers generate their power from their legs and core so you need to work on your posterior chain (calves, hamstrings, glutes, and lower back)As far as core that does not mean dropping and doing a bunch of crunches. Instead do baseball-specific core exercises with both feet on the ground some examples of good core drills are; saxxon side bend, full-contact twists, and turkish get up.
Long Toss 1-2 times a week in-season and 2-3 times a week off-season.
Do Sprinting, Jump Rope, and Agility Ladder also. The best conditioning medium is GPP.
For more info, got to baseballtrainingsecrets.com