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If you move your mouse over to the left side of this page to where the green menu pops out and click on "Showcases" you can get some good information. There is an interview with a Showcase Director and an article on Tips for showcases. Its a good place to start.

During a showcase you can expect to face good competition. A position player will be timed on foot speed take batting practice and fielding drills in front of scouts/coaches. Games/scrimmages with live pitching are typically played following the initial drills. A pitcher will typically throw 2-4 innings in those games.

After a showcase, if you perform well and catch someone's eye, you may get a letter or two from a college coach or a questionnaire from a scout. Some showcases will either send you a report or post one on their website.

Showcases are a fixed part of HS baseball players trying to get to the next level. My advice is to not attend one if you're out of playing shape. If you're a pitcher, make sure you're well rested in advance. You'll probably be a little nervous, but just remember that all you're really trying to do is find out if you can play well against the best. Its a chance to get "graded" and see where you fit.

Good luck!
Going to a great baseball HS and playing on a great summer team is probably good enough to get you noticed somewhere. But be careful that you aren't overestimating your HS or summer team. I know quite a few kids who overestimated both of those factors and are now regretting it.

I'm of the opinion that if you can afford to go to a showcase (and there's a wide range of prices for them...often directly related to the quality or range of exposure you'll get) and you are talented enough to shine, then it is worth it.
There are so many showcases, it is hard to decide which ones are worth shelling out the big bucks. I have paid good money to just try-out for a reputable team only to NEVER hear back from them- no follow up, no returning calls or e-mail. Do your research before you chose one. Know if you are looking for college recruitment or to be drafted. College "camps" are good if you are a stand out interested in college. They guarantee specific schools recruiters will be there and they are allowed to speak to you even before deadlines, because it is a"camp".

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